Anytime access – how did you use it?

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Established Member
Dec 20, 2007
One of Alanslegal’s posts in the other monster thread got me thinking –

Sadly but true but it is because of this benefit that I managed to persuade the GF to go for WP status. I told he we'd go to the QP once every few weeks and bring 4 friends who living quite close to SYD and just enjoy a beer, some nibblies whilst watching planes outside.

We are 100% leisure travellers so seeing, hearing planes is a positive enrichment to our lives. Afterall we do not do serious flying as many hardcore flyers in this forum, so being at the airport and as close to travelling as possible, it is a benefit to us.

I could have persuaded her other WP benefit but she's not interested in points, status credits, preferential upgrades etc but none of that stacked up when I told her we can access the lounges anytime. That was the selling factor. Sad but true.

In light of the imminent end of anytime access and the various responses to how bad / great it is that it’s going, I figured it would be interesting to see how (and how many) WPs actually used this benefit.

Some people here clearly won’t miss it as they never used it; some found many different sorts of uses for it at various times; other still never used it, but liked the fact that it was there if they ever needed it.

Of course, QF has ostensibly claimed that the reason for its departure is due to its use by WPs flying their competitors, but that was by no means the only possible use of the benefit.

Certainly wasn’t the case for me, as the lure of anytime access kept me from flying the competition anyway (and pretty much tipped the balance for me to credit to QFF instead of AA). My situation is somewhat similar to Alanslegal – Mrs Djf made WP before I did on the back of mostly-international flying as opposed to my domestic. She’d use it to drop in and wait with a lemonade while picking me up on my inevitably-delayed QF Friday night arrivals back to MEL every other week (and maybe a quick bite to eat if she was lucky enough to make it before dinner was removed). At that time of night, all but a couple of MEL departures would have left, so barely anyone would be in the QP and, with the view of the planes landing, it was a calm and relaxing place to while away those hours and forget about the always-ticking airport parking meter.

Once I made WP, I used it a few times to pick up a coffee or a juice on arrival if the taxi queue at SYD was particularly long and I had time to spare (thankfully this won't change!). I used it once when picking someone up at MEL; again, not wanting to be sloshed when they arrived, I had a juice and might have used the internet for a bit, but also to watch their plane land.

There was one morning when I had to be at SYD to pick something up where I used the lounge to grab a bite and a coffee, but it so happened I was flying out that night so I would have been entitled to do so anyway.

Never had a chance to use it at any international QPs as we were almost always flying QF/OW anyway, and one the one or two occasions we weren't, there was no QP at the terminal of the other carrier (and of course, it was on a non-OW route).

How about you?

[Mods please merge / move if you think this overlaps with anything else, but I thought it might be nice to see how exactly the benefit was used by WPs, rather than debate the merits of its removal.]
Anytime access (still OK under revised new rules)
- Used 2-3 times when arriving in SYD back from MEL and BNE to a few urgent emails / phone calls. Into the lounge and onto the laptop. Maybe a beer and a snack. (one time did a 90min conf call on arrival)
- Used SIN lounge as arrivals for a quick shower and feed before checking into the Airside hotel before a early morning Bangkok Air flight to USM (Koh Samui).

Only one occassion where I would not have had access under the new rules
- Accessed SIN lounge about 4yrs on a 2hr layover SYD-SIN-CMB (SQ/UL)
- In this case the SQ routing was about $1k cheaper than the equivalent QF routing (pre JQ Int) so would not have an issue not having access
I have been using anytime lounge access as an arrivals lounge during the last couple of years commuting SYD-BNE. It is very handy to wait out the 10-15 minutes it takes the luggage to come out and in BNE trying to co-ordinate the time of the next airtrain or Coachtrans bus. I have also taken my brother to the lounge in SYD on Saturday nights a few times (when the lounge is empty) so he can use the internet access and do some printing.

I have probably had <10 DJ flights in each of these years and did not use the lounge on each occasion as the DJ flights from SYD in T2 are after closing time of the Qantas Lounge and it is just not worth the effort in BNE most times.

I have also used anytime access on 2 trips to SIN and BKK on SQ as these were award trips using Amex MR points. The lounges on each occasion (except for SYD) were almost empty at the time. This benefit will be sadly missed as I have been planning to move international flights to SQ as airfares have a $400-$500 difference to QF travelling to/from BKK. Not sure whether I can get to *Gold but the saving on airfares is worth a lot more than the lounge access.
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Have only used it on a few occasions when not travelling oneworld on the day. I mainly use it as an "arrivals lounge" when traveling on the red eye's on the golden triangle. Stop in and have an orange juice and use the facilities (I would like to think they are cleaner than the ones outside that the great un-washed use).

Used it at BNE INT when travelling DJ to NAN last year for a family holiday. Chose to fly DJ not for the price but for the timetable. QF(FJ) depart BNE in the afternoon and NAN in the morning, while on DJ it is the reverse, so you effectively get a full day extra on holidays. Was only allowed into the J lounge (not that there is a real difference in BNE, or even that the J lounge is special at all), but as DJ dont have any lounge in the terminal it was better than DJ Gold would have got anyway!

OT - Heard that QF were offered more lounge space (for a fee) during the expansion at BNE, which they politely declined. Upon seeing what Emerates built as competition they realised that they needed some of that, by which time the were politely told too late, there is no more space!
My anytime use falls basically into 2 categories:

1) using the domestic QC as an "arrivals" lounge when coming back from international flights..apparently after the first rethink this will still be allowed.

2) using the domestic QC as "an office at the airport" when picking up or dropping other people. Typically, when I do this, I don't stay long (I'm paying airport parking rates), I consume little or no alcohol (I'm driving) and not much food; usually I just the computer and/or wifi facilities and have a few nibbles and a cup of coffee. As well, I avoid doing this if the lounge is likely to be crowded.

I have never used a QC lounge when flying another non-Oneworld airline. All in all, I fail to see how I am imposing significantly on Qantas or other passengers.
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As I’m not a WP, I haven’t used it all that often. The few occasions I have partaken in it through other members though are the FT AGM and certain AFF Do’s, though most times I have been travelling myself.

If I was a WP I doubt BNE could be my local, considering the AirTrain and it’s $25 ticket ($50 return) stands in my way ;)

OT - Heard that QF were offered more lounge space (for a fee) during the expansion at BNE, which they politely declined. Upon seeing what Emerates built as competition they realised that they needed some of that, by which time the were politely told too late, there is no more space!

I’m not so sure there isn't space, there’s still that vacant space above the J lounge that I reckon they could expand the F lounge box too, and thus make the J a little bigger down below. I doubt they could give that space to the cafes that are landside as it’s right over the open-air part of the QP so would require big remodelling, that I’m sure QF wouldn’t be happy with.

Someone will set me right, but I reckon that’s going to be free for the considerable future and that’s where they should expand to.
I’m not so sure there isn't space, there’s still that vacant space above the J lounge that I reckon they could expand the F lounge box too, and thus make the J a little bigger down below. I doubt they could give that space to the cafes that are landside as it’s right over the open-air part of the QP so would require big remodelling, that I’m sure QF wouldn’t be happy with.

Someone will set me right, but I reckon that’s going to be free for the considerable future and that’s where they should expand to.

BNE just sucks for various reasons so I prefer to not depart INT from here at all, and its been a while since I have, however I agree they QP has plenty of space, the F lounge was always empty (not that it could hold much). QF have enough experience to know an offer from BNE airport may have more cons then pro's!
I have been using anytime lounge access as an arrivals lounge during the last couple of years commuting SYD-BNE. It is very handy to wait out the 10-15 minutes it takes the luggage to come out and in BNE trying to co-ordinate the time of the next airtrain or Coachtrans bus.

Good point JohnK :):):)

I have also started to do this and have started to perfect my timing at PER and SYD to arrive just as my luggage comes out.

1 Get off plane
2 Proceed to lounge
3 Have a coffee/juice/water, check e-mail
4 Enjoy refreshments, after 5-10 minutes go to carousel
5 See bag coming out


Don't know about anyone else, but i've have to wait up to 30mins at PER for luggage sometimes. It's a joke, but on the flip side, it is improving.

For QF to call me an "overcrowder" for 5-10 minutes in the lounge, l think is pathetic. The 2 or 3 times l have used the anytime access in PER, there were probably no more than 20 people in the new larger lounge and in Sydney, coming off a Red Eye, l would say the J Lounge would be half full "at most".

I think that QF Gold is the new sweet spot.
WP only has "marginal" benefits above Gold now, 100% bonus miles and F Lounge.

Rarely, but when I do use it, it's mostly as an arrivals lounge. For a coffee during those early Monday morning flights to MEL, or for a beer after those Friday evening flights back to Sydney (land back in Syd, grab a beer, taxi into the city, dump bags, head out to meet mates :)).

I think I've used it once in three years while flying on a competitor (I try to fly QF all the time, to retain WP because of benefits like the ones we're losing)...

- Febs.
It all depends on my flying patterns, when I used to fly domestically a lot, I used it often as arrivals lounge, seeing off relatives and on the odd occasion when flying Rex out of T2 in SYD.

This year:
i) Seeing off relatives at MEL (Jan)
ii) Flying 3K to PNH (Jan)
iii) Flying EK to/from MEL (Mar) - about 20-30 mins each in SIN and MEL
iv) Flying VF to CGK (Apr)
v) Flying 3K to/from HKG (May)
vi) Flying EK to/from MEL (May) same as above
vii) Flying 3K to SGN (Jul)
viii) Flying TT HBA-MEL (about 10 mins), QF left HBA too early, JQ too late
ix) Flying TG from BKK-MEL (Sep) - but only did this as part of a lounge crawl!!

In the main I have used them for about 1.5-2 hrs in total prior to 4 EK flights this year, which is probably QF want to stamp out. But in my defence, both EK flights were booked online with about 6 hrs notice, something QF won't let you do ex-SIN.

One side note on the EK thing, I was carefully trying to work out how to use QF and CX to my advantage to retain WP over the next 4 months (so I could use anytime lounge access when flying EK ;) amongst other reasons ). Now achieving EK gold may be a realistic alternative instead, and the next 3 trips back I have planned to MEL won't be going on QF.
I've been using the QC as an arrivals lounge since I was QC Bronze.

The ammended terms in no way benefits platinum as anyone can get in after their flight.

Come on folks... we need the anytime access totally unrestricted for it to be a defined benefit for Platinum. Otherwise, to be perfectly frank - being Plat domestically is totally ****ing worthless.
Arrivals, typically, particularly after coming off a red eye from PER to SYD or MEL. But as someone mentioned elsewhere I'd be fairly confident in saying that a Gold or Qantas Club member attempting to visit the lounge post-flight (ie. without an onward flight) would be met favourably. Indeed, before becoming WP, I did this a number of times without issue.

But there have been other occasions, too, like about three Rex flights and a couple of 3K flights in SIN. In four years I've used it three times when flying Virgin (once, to Prosperine where the fair was much the same as JQ but the flight time was better and the other two times flying on a mate's deeply discounted DJ staff fares) and never with Tiger. Importantly (to me, at least) are the occasions when I guest my elderly parents into the lounge before their flight (of which they take maybe four a year) and a couple of friends when they've been heading off.

In the four or so years since I've had WP I've probably gone out of my way to use the lounge (for none of the above reasons) say six or eight times. Hardly breaking QF's bank.
In the four or so years since I've had WP I've probably gone out of my way to use the lounge (for none of the above reasons) say six or eight times. Hardly breaking QF's bank.

Now to balance the pros/cons... let's do a list up of total $$ you've spent on flights in those 4 years.... you're doing QF a favour, and moving forward - they're not returning it....

Edit: Not trying to sound pessimistic, but QF isn't doing anyone a favour by changing the terms to anything except unlimited and unrestricted access. I'm not understanding why some members feel the need to settle with the reworded terms..?
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Now to balance the pros/cons... let's do a list up of total $$ you've spent on flights in those 4 years.... you're doing QF a favour, and moving forward - they're not returning it....

Exactly. While I have done one YUPP/KUPP, my first requalification to WP was 100% domestic economy travel!
Edit: Not trying to sound pessimistic, but QF isn't doing anyone a favour by changing the terms to anything except unlimited and unrestricted access. I'm not understanding why some members feel the need to settle with the reworded terms..?
Other than jumping ship (there is no other complete solution in Australia for domestic and international travel) is there anything we can do about the reworded terms for unrestricted anytime lounge access?

I am just as vocal as the next person but other than a debate on AFF there is nothing I can do about the "ehnacements" and I will move on and make use of what benefits remain as best I can.
Have use on the below

I use the J dom after flight to fill in the 40 mins (Syd) and 15 - 25 mins (Bris) having to wait for bags; if need to freshen up and/or photo copy.

In all the years of QC and WP (after the demiss if Golden Wing) have used QC /J Dom less than ten times to see people off; wait for them (flying QF) or someone flying in for meeting between their flights.

If flying opposition usually flying J so have access to their lounge.

Would like to see any time access, but have to say the last three times in J Dom (BNE) and the one time Perth QC ended up asking to share table till one was available.

I have not yet used anytime access (my WP came after most of my travel for the year) but I hope to use it on part of my DONE in March April 2011. Since I'm flying QF in and out of Australia, I won't lose any benefit.

I would never have used the QP as my "local" - I don't see how that was valid in recent years since there was a requirement that you be flying on that day. Different many years ago when just an ordinary QP or Golden Wing membership would get you in regardless.:(
I use it when collecting people from Syd as I now live 30 minutes away so timing can be hard, so I head to the lounge about 20 minutes before planned arrival and wait it out with a beer and view of the planes.

I sent feedback via the website to QFF and received a call today from them saying that they had passed on my email and were looking at perhaps reviewing the new T&C's.

My suggestion to them was to limit access to the J lounge to flying that day and allow anytime access to the QP.

I have used it twice.

1. First time my brother was flying to Adelaide and I wanted to try out the new Platinum card to see if it really did work.
2. Again to test the theory to see if I could fly Virgin Blue and access the lounge, although the kicker; Virgin Blue canceled the flight and put me on Qantas anyway, trip report here.

Would I use any time lounge access again in the future, well at least once in the future for next years QF FT AGM.

Economically though its not worth making a trip to the airport, and way too much walking if I have to fly Virgin.
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