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  1. B

    [Upgrade View] Bug on Qantas FF website? [merged threads]

    anat, I experienced the exact same issue with mine. Declined/Confirmed/Business mish mash. I was also refreshing my page every 10 mins or so, and had the phone ready to call Qantas and delay my flight if it came up Denied on all fronts... I found that a line showed up on my statement "-40,000...
  2. B

    [Upgrade View] Bug on Qantas FF website? [merged threads]

    O.K it seems as if it is a common bug with the site, I just checked in at HK airport with a business class seat and no issue. I don't want to get into why I'm pissed with Qantas on a public forum, so I take back my previous post. You're right Dave, I shouldn't be whinging about not meeting...
  3. B

    [Upgrade View] Bug on Qantas FF website? [merged threads]

    Thanks Dave. Qantas have been ****ing me around so much recently, the final straw was when they didn't renew my Platinum status because I fell short by 40 status credits. I now have 600,000 points to burn through before i start finding a better carrier to use. If this flight wasn't upgraded, I...
  4. B

    [Upgrade View] Bug on Qantas FF website? [merged threads]

    I tried googling this and searching this forum and didn't find much info, so sorry if this has already been addressed. Is it normal to still have "Note: Your request for an upgrade to business class from xx_ to xx_ has been declined" on my FF webpage, even though my class is now listed as...