Another T&C scare

I always thought that Amex was going to find the way to fix this. However, I dont think the way described in
points 1) and 2) in the previous posts is something that Amex would do...
These new "T&C" sound more like a wish
from those who want to convince Amex to rule in their favor rather than an actual T&C LOL. I wouldnt mind getting
point 1) applied to me since I registered on the 18th but It is unlikely those are the actual new T&C.
Cutting many people out and applying a Cap for some and not Cap for others would have a negative result. First of
all, it is an overcomplicated solution. Secondly the number of users targeted would be reduced, reducing the
effect of the Promo. A Change like this to the T&C would not leave an even number of Amex users in each state to spread
the use of Amex and that is not good for Them.
Most important, Unlimited Points that can be earned with purchases worth a couple of dollars will certenly be against the T&C of the reward providers such as Qantas, other airlines, Hotels, etc.. unlimited points for a penny would devaluate their existing offers (look at the current offers for Joining Amex and the earn 1.5points for every dollar you spend offer)
No body mentions anything about the Corporate cards wich were excluded from all Promos from the begining as well. Many of the guys happy for the so called "new T&C" have posts saying they signed up for the promo on corporate cards.
I think the fix is coming and it will be a
ONE KILLS ALL type of solution.
In all examples given for all three
Promos there was 10,000 point per month sugestion.... Something on those lines I think would be in the letters we
will receive soon and possibly a minimum purchase value as it wasnt ruled out in the original T&C posted to us.
For now I think people shouldnt panic thinking they are out or in or already exceded their quota of points. If you
signed up for the promo (no matter how or when) then they will have to comunicate with you officially in writing of any changes to the way the Promo works, and not by a two line post in this site :mrgreen: