The real deciding factor was the existing 150k miles with emirates and 9,300 tier miles (i forgot I had them) so along with the 1 stop to DUB I didn't really explore SQ QF CX much after that, getting lifetime QF gold as someone said i would prob get was tempting tho
So some of my swings have changed to 19/9 which makes it more feasible, I also rearranged everything so its all ex Dubin tickets this will save me about $2k, so its about $29k (depending on FX) all up for the 12 trips, the 2nd one of which has been booked in business. The travel agent has advised I can cancel for E150 per trip so not too bad. I will see how I go and maybe in the middle I will stay in Oz for some proper rest or maybe only go as far as DXB/SIN and meet Mrs there.
As for some of the questions, yes I will be tiring but I'm hoping a combination of the upgrades will make those trips easy and hopefully some op upgrades when I reach platinum (has anyone any idea on the likelihood of getting op upgrades when you are a platinum flyer with EK?)
I've not looked into travel insurance yet but I will be travelling very light, with nothing i cant afford to loose. After the first trip I will have all my clothes set up in Ireland and back here its mainly work clothes which I will leave behind. so i'll be set up at both ends to travel with minimal baggage, maybe even carry on.