Don't believe everything you see on CNN dear. It's well known that the left and the deep state are very good at protecting their own.
The fact that you cannot see the obvious problems with an investigator writing a report exonerating someone before the investigation is complete and before all witnesses have been interviewed illustrates your delusion.
I don't rely on CNN I hardly ever look at it.
I rely on a multitude of news sources in three languages - English, French and Spanish.
It's amazing how reading news in a different language helps filter out most of the "fake news".
I do know enough about how bureaucracies work to know that there is nothing unusual in a report being drafted in anticipation of an outcome to a process.
At a stage where the conclusion seems known, it would not be unusual to start drafting a report. Obviously it would be subject to change if the course of the inquiry changed.
That didn't happen. There was no evidence of any criminal act by Hillary Clinton. There never has been. Despite countless witchhunts against her.
It is the height of absurdity that these allegations are being thrown at Comey who did more than anyone - except possibly Putin and his little Aussie cupboard mysoginist -to get Trump elected.
If he was conspiring to help Clinton he would never have released that absurd statement about her aide's laptop in the crucial final stages of the election campaign.
The "deep state" was a concept invented by the left to refer to the permanent power of wealthy elites which persisted despite changes in administrations.
It is hilarious that the right is now attempting to use the concept to pretend they are the underdogs and that the establishment is left wing.
But it is entirely consistent with Trump's Orwellian newspeak.
Fake news was coined to describe the lies peddled by so-called "alt-right" (actually neo-naz_) websites like Brietbart.
Now Trump and his allies use it to discredit legitimate news from credible mainstream publications with which they happen to disagree.
Their project is to problematise the very concept of truth. They think if they throw enough accusations of "fake news" at mainstream media, the question marks will remain.
So real journalism and Brietbart type filth will seem equally plausible, equally questionable.
This is quite literally Orwellian. It is the very tactic the Party use to rewrite history and thus both contemporary reality and the future.
As you chose to deploy the homophobic, feminising, patronising term "dear" allow me to finish with some advice from the lyrics of "Evita".
Everyone knows how us fa_gots love musicals.
"So go if you're able to somewhere unstable and stay there!
Whip up your hate in some tottering state but not here dear! Is that clear, dear?"