Just watched it...could have been half as long and still got the same details.
Whitehall did a decent job, but who were the other presenters?
They will do it again I think but it needs to in Netherlands next year so HAM gets booed.
Then Melbourne the year after etc...or make it like Eurovision in the winners country.
If it is in UK every year its the same old SKY F1 arguement.
The music sucked, one guy would be good at a NASCAR Race and with the exception of the old fogeys of half of Take That I didnt know anyone else....
It could be much better with some more well know musical names. Or just do as Red Bull did and play something classic rock.
I wonder if the Teams designed their own "intro" thing or it was done by whoever was running the show...
Interesting the biggest boo of the night was for the FIA. More than VER, Horner and Eccelstone all put together. Under the woke laws of the FIA those fans should be charged with bullying and thrown out....lol