I love it: “I have weak RF knowledge…” and then proceed to spew a bunch of stuff that sounds like it’s come straight from Stimo’s!
You can all find a copy here if you really need to derive the radar range equation from first principles:
Stimson's Introduction to Airborne Radar (Electromagnetics and Radar) (2014-05-02) on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Stimson's Introduction to Airborne Radar (Electromagnetics and Radar) (2014-05-02)
Now the ELINT chappies know heaps, and Synthetic Aperture Radar was a big thing. An AWAC plane has lots of goodies in it, and costly ceramic and gold plated horn thingies. Presently FAA is not naming the weak RA's, but does like to say they met the then standard > 10 years ago. But several 10's of billions of dollars made whitecoat reports - well - ignorable. Seems EU made planes don't have the problem. I do not know if super heavy rain - would weaken C band RA's. Certainty there is an opportunity to get fancy, and see if windshear can be better predicted.
Exponential mobile phone use - everyone has one - means all the spectrum space was filled up, and the radio frequencies had to go up up and up, spectrum prices went up up and up. Then data usage and speed went crazy, and that cough frequency became valuable, even if they have to install a base station every 800m or so.
Someone asked about 5G C Band. Basically it is line of sight only - requires more towers, more expensive, often blocked by concrete towers and double glazing - so not wanted by telcos in the 2G era. Also the radio chip at 4Ghz was hard to make small enough to fit into mobile phones, so nobody wanted 'dropout' spectrum. The best 400mhz bands were used, then the 1000's, 2000's, now the 3000's. I believe above 3.8Ghz, even using teflon, the electronics are prone to heating and poor efficiency.
Simple analog or discrete logic RA's using a likely cough frequency made the RA spectrum a safe bet decades ago. But if silcon on carbon or graphene gets mass production practical, there may be another spectrum gold rush.