Monday morning wasn't looking good weather wise but it was the day to pick up our hire car at Toyota although it was a hertz booking. The view from our room on awakening.
Check out time was 10am and we were to pick up our rental at midday. Fortunately the JR Inn has a "lounge" near the front desk. any guest can use it and a coffee machine is provided so we each had a cappuccino. We left there at ~1115. There was no one on the front desk and there were Closed signs at each computer. Well check in will not be until 3pm.
We took our bags and we sat on a seat where the grey and white cars are turning in the picture above.
An old Japanese man sat down beside us and started talking. so I got out my phone and started using Google translate. But he didn't understand what was written in Japanese so I switched to the microphone and he only understood a little. A Japanese woman came over and acted as a translator between google translate and the old fellow. Found out he was 92 and born locally. I then had to go to the Toyota office leaving Mrsdrron with our new friends.
Our trip nearly ended then. At the Toyota office I was told our rental was cancelled because I didn't turn up on the 5th. I knew I had orignally booked the 7t. I looked up my emails and there ws a confirmation email from Hertz saying pick up was on the 5th. I really hadn't noticed that. But I went to my Hokkaido emails and the original email from Hertz said the 7th. That saved my bacon as until then it was just a shrug of the shoulders and sorry. But on producing the email the woman went and spoke to a fellow at a desk presumably the manager. So she came back saying we can rent you a C1 car. It would be ready and at 1230. So I went back to Mrsdrron and she was still chatting away to the 92 year old. Neither knew what the other was saying. I guess he was just lonely.
Back to Toyota. I now just had that doubt everything would be OK so signed for all the insurances. However that still came to slightly less than the original booking for a Corolla. Our car was a Toyota Passo. More room than we expected. Today filled it for the first time - 21 litres after 550Km drive. Fuel was 167 yen per litre- $1.67.
Back to pick up Mrsdrron. apparently our friend hsad deliberately missed 2 busses to keep the conversation going. Gave us a big wave good bye. So scenes on the way to Furano.