Not if your the one with major surgery! Being denied life saving sparkling water.
I'm sorry "life saving" sparkling water? This is a stretch IMHO. If it was really that critical to a pax they would have their own supply with appropriate documentation (like Inulin).
I travel with drugs critical to me (the legal kind thank you

) and I caay them with me at all times, and have more than enough for my projected travel just in case of delays, changes, and the like. my responsibility and I manage it.
You're talking about someone who prefers sparkling water. Yes I say prefer. The poster did not say they can NOT have still water, just that they didn't like it. "Since having major surgery some years ago it is very difficult for me to swallow still water, it feels like swallowing concrete. So I must have sparkling water." - it's "very difficult"(but not impossible) and it "feels like swallowing concerete" - unpleasant for sure, but it's not imppossible. They "must" have sparkling water for their preference because it's much easier to drink for them.. life saving? I'm not so sure about.. specially for the duration of, say, 30 minutes give or take prior to take off.
And sure, I've had the bar open pre dept on various carriers departing the USA. I've also had it not, with the given regulations/reasons cited regarding bar carts. It's up to individual crews etc.
If it's that critical that the pax cannot have their "life saving" sparkling water until post take off, I would wonder if they should be flying....
again, IMHO a stretch in my view.
<flame proof suit engaged>