Final pics of sail away-
So now the third incident in 24 hours.We had booked for Hot Rocks on the Pool Deck.Only 24 diners here per night.Arrived to find no seats.Just a misunderstanding we are told.however we know the staff well and pretty simple to find out what happened.A group of 4 demanded they sit at the table reserved for us then a couple on the waitlist turned up saying they had a definite booking.
So back to the MDR.It was obvious we were not happy.A member of the Expedition staff came to dine with us as well as one of the Captain's Choice leaders.The Expedition staff member was from Ecuador.One of his sons goes to school with the President's son so he knows him personally.We got a good discussion about South American politics.
So probably worth a little discussion on what we had learnt already about Cuba.First the claim that there was an improvement in Education after the revolution.once again it was stated that Education before the revolution was available freely and of a high standard.Interestingly one of our Government guides later in the trip called the Post Revolution Education changes-the indoctrination changes.
Then the claim that the health system is excellent and has resulted in the improvement of life expectancy.However most of this increase came between 1989-94 when the average calorie intake of Cubans dropped from 2800 to 1800.The so called Special period when soviet aid dried up.
Discussions with ordinary Cubans gave conflicting views on health but a common theme was their is excellent health facilities for foreigners who pay cash or highly ranked Government or party officials.There is good health coverage for those in other ranks of government or party but for ordinary Cubans the health care is,well,ordinary.
The biggest export Cuba now has are doctors.At least 2000 Cuban doctors work in Venezuela.Their pay is $US1500 a month but they get $500.The Cuban government gets $1000 in oil.More recently a similar scheme is being instituted in South Africa.
Enough for now the next post is a visit to a National Park.