I booked a Toyota rental, thanks to advice to several here. A bit of faffing about at the terminal, then a bus to the depot and a very elaborate routine to get the keys. But they were well organised! I had a list of questions about Toll gizmo, insurances, how, when etc, emergency/accident numbers, basic road rules, fuel types and how to ID. Every one of these was addressed on printed sheets, carefully explaining insurances available and all the things I wanted to know. Took a while, but I felt I had more knowledge about 'what ifs' than many rentals I have made!
Only fault is the built-in GPS. To enter an address, you enter the phone number, but if no number (such as a lookout, or a place rno #), you have to enter the address in Japanese. I certainly wanted to mark lookouts etc, so I plugged in my phone and put my Google Maps on the screen. I have a data plan - oh, and also Maps.me which works offline and has very detailed maps. Must give that a go tomorrow.
So off I choofed, heading for the La Vista at Daisetsu National Part, under Mt Asahi-dake, the tallest mountain in Hokkaido.
I had given myself the option of visiting a winery at Furano and the 'Patchwork way' outside of Biei on the way, but the late aircraft arrival and the fact that it was a dull and overcast day meant I gave them a miss. I will hopefully be able to do the Patchwork Way tomorrow.
Much lush green mountains almost the whole way, except for the valley around Furano which has vast areas under cultivation. Roads good, including toll roads, but some very puzzling speed limits. 70 on a dual lane, divided highway, 50 through much of the countryside, 40 in other places. Again, following advice here, I travelled at the speed of others, usually 20-30km/h above the posted speed limit. Strange thing is, the estimated time by Google Maps didn't decrease - they usually calculate at the speed limits, or traffic conditions. Maybe they ignore the speed limits too
Only a couple of stops and pics on the way. Gotta love a smoking mountain.
First look at Asahi-dake. The hotel is below the far distant tree line, in line with the smoking.
La Vista Daisetsu, part of the Dormy Hotels group. Inside very much a 'country lodge' vibe. Old place, but comfortable.
Mr room, on the 4th floor. Nice, comfy western style beds!! The price was 40,500 yen, A$387, including a 'gastronomic' Japanese dinner, and breakfast tomorrow. The meals I'm guessing would possibly $150-$180, so not bad, I think.
And terrific vies of Ashai-dake from my room. The weather has fined up and hopefully will remain, as I'm intending to take the cable car up there tomorrow.