Just arrived home from Europe via Hong Kong and used both The Cabin and Qantas J Lounge.
Knowing opinions are subjective would take the "dungeon" any day. Although Cabin
serves Piper Heidsick Champagne (granddaugher's name so could taste like vinegar and I
would still love it) and Qantas do not, Qantas lounge much quieter, shower/toilet facilities
lovely and plentiful, Cabin, much lighter, but so much busier and very hard to find a
comfortable seat and toilets few and much harder to locate. All being used when finally
located so headed to Qantas J lounge. So much happier and closer to all shopping etc.
if you are in transit for awhile as we were.
Gate not allocated until very late in the piece and Cabin would have been closer on
homebound journey, but outgoing our gate was G15 so too easy.
Food probably more plentiful in Cabin but Qantas supplied peace, relaxation, shower and after
a series of flights with more than enough food really was the last thing on my mind.