Re: Proposed AFF Kokoda trek
I wish you well with this penegal, hopefully you can sweet talk whoever you need to
I never count
penegal as in or out until sometime after the starting gun!

(and even then one can't be 100% sure)
The trek preparations have indeed been progressing well and at this point we have the Kokoda Track Authority trekking permit in hand (for 10 trekkers), 20 porters organised (including a sedan chair for
) with the services of a licenced tour operator, track master, track lead and track chef secured, backpacks hired, itinerary and track accommodation organised (including a guest haus being especially constructed for us in Buna). POM accommodation has also been pretty much decided on being Holiday Inn and the flights are being sorted as I type and the budget is working out almost spot on with what was previously advised in this thread.
So if anyone is still interested, I have arranged with the KTA to be able to alter trekker numbers on the permit and my track master assures me that he still has porters available (remember the porters I've organised are experienced track porters who have done Kokoda many times with various commercial tour companies). The only issue for any late comers may be airfare prices. Goroka airfares have risen by about AU$100/pax already but the other airfares (BNE-POM, POM-PNP) are still Ok (in fact a bit cheaper at the moment) and also backpacks may be problematic. There are only a limited number of backpacks to hire (for the porters) and when they're gone, they're gone, which is why I've hired most of them already. So if anyone is still interested in either or both, Kokoda or Goroka, let me know sooner rather than later or higher prices will almost certainly affect you.
Just out of interest, this trek is more than comparable with the best of the commercial national led treks and about AU$1500 cheaper than the cheapest commercial trek. We're cutting out nothing except the Australian tour companies fees. For our expected 10 trekkers, that's a saving of about AU$15 000. We're currently putting a big effort into ensuring the three track meals per day are of the highest quality (remember we have engaged the services of an experienced track chef) and my nearest and dearest is fussy, so no below par menu will slip past her eagle eyes and of course, some dietary constraints/modifications can be catered for (but early notification is requested).
We will be carrying radios and sat. phone plus a defibrillator (just in case
penegal does come

) and we have a first-aider (trained and trainer) plus at least two nurses in the trek and a fully equipped trekking first aid kit in tow which, along with a prearranged helicopter medi-evac plan, health and safety on the track is also as high as can be expected. All memorial and camp site/village fees are included in the budget as is the porters airfares to return them safely and comfortably to their villages.
As per previous, if anyone would still like to throw their hat in the ring for this trek, just PM me!