AFF Member Stock Discussion

Last week I completed my divestment of funds with exposure to coal, oil and other industries with no long term future. Considered some bear funds to hold for a few days, didn't and went fro some general ESG oriented funds. Oh well, my natural caution means I'll be holding these new positions till they recover.
I'm very new, and mainly just buying ETFs ... I was thinking this might be a good time to buy? Not looking to sell for >20 years ....
Taken a 10% hit - easy come, easy go. We still have 20 years of earning $$$$$ to go.
Hi k_s ,really appreciate your medical spin on line .. so here is something I can help you with.
The market is a very wild and unforgiving place but rewards calm rational thought over emotion and following the herd.
My current thought is that the present correction will be deep and prolonged, so don't be tempted by sucker rallies..
However I may be wrong…. it's a little like playing poker...

A while back, when the market was mushy , my son bought a heap of CSL @ $70 odd.. I told him he was brave.. but he was also smart ( he works in the industry)
I always listen to the noise but also test the market against my common sense "gene"
I have done very well over the years ; caution , logic, and calm steady reflection is the key.. good luck
My current thought is that the present correction will be deep and prolonged, so don't be tempted by sucker rallies

Think there's an element of don't try and catch a falling knife until covid-19 either dies out or we have a vaccine.

If it continues there will no doubt be some false rallies along the way

I'd been thinking of lightening last week... Didn't.. lost a few cars this week
moa999 has , atm ,lost nothing… nobody has lost anything…. until they sell and crystallise the loss.
Yes it is painful but one truism is that the market ALWAYS recovers… sometime
Individual shares are different and a portfolio should be regularly tested for integrity.
The challenge atm is to review the portfolio , consider the future , and decide to sit or sell.
Mostly .. but not always...sit is the sensible answer…..
We tend to just throw $3k worth into ETFs at a time so are somewhat spreading the risk - not planning on dumping all the life savings at once!

*shrug* I guess it's about not playing with more than what you can afford to lose ...
I'm very new, and mainly just buying ETFs ... I was thinking this might be a good time to buy? Not looking to sell for >20 years ....

As you are in for the long haul.

I would wait till it looks like Covid 19 has plateaued. Once it is worldwide the market will sort out its new level. However it may well take till a vaccine is rolled out, and that may be a while.

Share-markets hate uncertainty, and with Covid 19 that is exactly what they currently have. Ports may be cough, factories cough one knows!

Once you think it is stable start buying. Not all at once but steadily over time.

I would not be obsessed by trying to time the absolute bottom, but right here and now is the time to just sit on your cash and build up more cash reserves.
Interesting week that’s for sure. We don’t have any margin calls to deal with but those who do would be stressed by the end of the week.
I want to buy some UK shares in UK pounds (ie my bank account there) - any idea whether I can do that through one of the Australian trading companies or will I need to set up an account in the UK
I want to buy some UK shares in UK pounds (ie my bank account there) - any idea whether I can do that through one of the Australian trading companies or will I need to set up an account in the UK
I've not done it myself, but I believe Comsec do it:

I'm keeping an eye on SOL and EVT.
I might top up AFIC then there are also some ETF's.
@k_sheep I hope you use a broker such as Self Wealth where you can even get 5 free trades.
There we were at the start of February getting close to the $3.2 million limit for the two of us in our superfund for tax free status. A bit further away now by Friday night so less of a problem. Looking forward to a tax refund of franking credits into the superfund.
A recovery will occur but no one knows when that will happen.
I want to buy some UK shares in UK pounds (ie my bank account there) - any idea whether I can do that through one of the Australian trading companies or will I need to set up an account in the UK
Check out Interactive Brokers. The Aussie version is limited compared to the US version but UK is an option and you can hold multiple currencies. Can always BPay $A into your account then convert to allowed currencies and save on currency conversion costs.

Can I ask why?
Both are fairly lightly traded companies with a bit of a grab bag of assets and limited clear strategic direction.
SOL which is Soul Pattinson is effectively an LIC with good returns in the long term.
EVT own amongst other things Rydges.
Not only have they been expanding I am sure they will continue to do so. I also like the shareholder benefits as I stay at Rydges.
This is not financial advice, if you intend to buy you need to assess the value of the underlying asset and buy at what you consider a fair price.
My assessment may be totally different.