This is where debates within a forum can get messy.
IMHO you could also be accused of being prejudiced in a very strong sense in your response. You are here actually "pre-judging me" based on "some of my attributes" (your words), in that you appear to be expousing things based just on a few scant lines I put in a single post. To suggest that I "need to accept that there are things in our culture that may be abhorrent" implies that I do not actually do that. Such a statement was not seeking to understand my view, it was responding in a way that judged me without seeking first such clarification. even worse, it could make others form an opinion of me (dare not say pre-judge me) based just on your words...... It ignores the fact that I did not refer to this aspect. I actually hate and am embarrassed by some aussie culture.
And in a similar vein, there have been posters in this thread that have expressed opinions against tattoos in the workplace. These range from some who hate all tatts, to others like myself that feel that tatts are complex and perhaps not a smart idea for a particular service industry company to embrace. I think we all need to actually understand that there are various positions here.
I am against prejudice, in the sense that I want people to think and embrace change. I sense that you have strong feelings in these matters, and good on you for fighting for what you think is right. But be careful you don't fall into doing exactly what you dislike in others

At the end of the day I think we essentially share much of the same page