Don't waste your time, did it back in 2011. You don't get to see much, it was a pretty big let down from what I have seen online its nothing like the Boeing tour. Basically you rock up at a visitors center which is just outside the site, once you pay & get ID checked you go into a holding area then herded into a room where you watch a 10-15min film, once that's done you get to put onto bus which takes you on site which pulled up next to final assembly building (not an assembly line) you enter the building & head up to a viewing area via lifts, there was about 3-4 aircraft bays in building, same viewing deck leads to an outside viewing deck which overlooks the airport/airfield, then you go down & back onto the bus then leave the site for the visitors center, once back there you go thru the A380 cabin mock up & I think they also had an A310 coughpit mock up there as well then there was souvenir shop. Did not bother with the aircraft museum tour as we would have had to wait a few hours as the English museum tour did not start shortly after factory tour. But I believe the museum tour includes a bus tour of site. If you plan to go make sure you submit your details a few days before going as they must do extra security checks for foreigners.