Any intelligence on which lines move quicker, on average?
You can't pick and choose.
Because if you try and use the face forward lane, the "guard" might get a bit festidious/festicious, and make you go to the other lane.
Dom/int sec screening, best not to play with trying for the shortest queue, those people have a mind of their own, ...
Its like the b residue screening with the wand, sometimes, you most expect to be picked, but the guard just couldn't care less, but other times, when you hope you won't get picked, you are just unlucky, and you are the one, then they have the gall to ask, "o and where are you going to today?".
If they can mix a group of 5, how do they know which of the 5 is the one who is positive?.
Just like, when you know your HLO has not got any sus items, and then, it gets side sided to the extra sec side, and you get the b residue test, they wont tell you anything, then you wait, the b residue guy says all clear but your HLO is sitting mixed with others, in the middle of no mens/persons land, wait, and wait...
Or it sits in the middle of the scan machine, with the guy staring hard at what you have...
Hmm, thought ADL only had the straight ahead human xray, not the sideways one as yet.
Edit: drats, so the hands akimbo side ways xray system has arr into ADL airport now, ah, must have been a recent intro.
When I went through in Jul, I think all the human xray system was face forward type.