For QR, the Australian market is really a drop in the ocean for them when it comes to source of revenue as they have over 170 other markets and destinations in over 85 other countries apart from Australia, so the QF-EK partnership does not hit QR where it hurts despite people like you hyping it up as a massive financial threat to QR when it's so insignificant from their perspective (even if it was a threat they still get infinite supply of oil funds

). For QR, Australia is viewed as an isolated island with a small population (it is) but for QF, the Australian market is the lifeblood of their enterprise and is adversely impacted by decisions that only impact the Australian domestic and international traveller market. So when you compare QF-EK to VA-QR, the former is far less provocative from a business perspective. It's only 'provocative' on paper and then hyped up by the Australian-based QR lobbyists when the circumstances facing QF and QR are nowhere near to scale.