I think sometimes that people who are obese through excess consumption dont realise that thinner people like food too but they know how to discipline themselves and not overeat.
It is not always about too much food consumption.
This was I had this week
- 3-4 tablespoons of low fat yoghurt (~120-150gms)
- ~100gms raw capsicum (yellow, red and green), ~150gm tomato and ~50gms fetta cheese
- 11 cashews and 16 pistacchios
- 1 chicken and cheese roll with ~5gms margarine
- 1 small apple (~100gms)
- Slow cooked pork forequarter with cabbage and cauliflower
- Iceberg Lettuce salad with ~15gms olive oil
- ~100gms grapes
Note these were not eaten at once. So lunch is each snack ~1hr apart and same for dinner. By my calculations that is ~1632 calories. In fact I have overstated the quantities on my spreadsheet so that is worse case scenario.
Unless I am doing something wrong with the calculations that is well under the daily requirement.
But people are missing one key piece of information.
Assume that a person like me needs ~2200 calories per day to stay on the same weight. If I drop that to 1600 calories per day as I am doing you would think that I should be able to lose weight?
No. The body adjusts and burns less. How is that possible? Any number of factors but it is fact. In fact I could drop my calorie intake to 1000 calories per day and there is a chance I would put on weight.
About 4 weeks ago I was struggling with the diet and fed up with it so I started eating anything I felt like eating. I actually dropped a couple of kilos in weight. And now I started controlling what I eat again and have put some weight back on again.
You tell me what I am doing wrong?