I have just had a read through every single comment in this post (all 134 pages) over the span of a few days. I did this for my own interest and also to learn about the intricacies of how people have been using this card. It was also partially out of fear of being criticised, as billbro did, for "not reading
every single comment in this thread". I also did it because I was trying to see if anyone else has experienced what I am about to go through in terms of my intentions of this card.
What a read. Here are my observations/opinions on the billbro incident:
- People were unnecessarily hostile to billbro who asked a question and was told to "read a few pages - you won't have to look far to find your answer". It's not that this is not true - it's just that as he himself said, he's asking a question which someone probably has the answer to which can be answered in a more efficient way than trawling through 120 pages. I am fortunate enough to now have access to a wiki which ironically only came about because of that discussion and was made by him himself.
- On the point above, I didn't understand the need for such hostility when the question was asked in such an innocent way. Sometimes you get clowns who demand an answer as if you owe them something. billbro simply asked and as he said, if you didn't want to answer, you didn't have to and no one would've cared (including himself) - as long as I guess, one person answered him
- There were plenty other people that I saw asking repeated questions throughout the pages. Some, in fact, gave off a more expectant attitude than him, yet they didn't get any flak.
- I am a regular on another forum where plenty of people ask plenty of repeat questions. I only find it is necessary to berate them if it was something they missed in the title and if they ask in a demanding way (but as stated above, you could always simply choose to ignore them and not reply)
On the card and the deal itself, it has been an extremely entertaining read with plenty of good anecdotal experiences shared by the members here.
Here are my questions that I have from myself.
I have a Plat Edge and Velocity Platinum. I intend to cancel the Plat Edge and get the Explorer (i.e. keep the Velocity Plat). My primary concern is actually around my points balance on the Plat Edge. I wish to retain this balance but will not be able to unless I use it all up. I have looked into transferring the points to another MR Ascent member, but there is a limit of 50k per calendar year and this does not suit me as I have more than that.
I considered having the MR Ascent points convered to MR Gateway, but I'm literally taking a downgrade so decided this wouldn't be worth it.
I then thought, maybe I can convert to MR Gateway, and some time in the future convert MR Gateway to MR Ascent by re-applying for the Plat Edge or another card in the future which is part of the MR Ascent program.
I have also considered warehousing the points in SPG, but as I will be transferring at a rate of 2:1 which can then be converted 1:1 to the airlines that I am most likely to transfer to, it doesn't make sense to do that either.
I've fully got my head around how to structure, relink/unlink to obtain the bonus - my primary concern here is actually around my MR Ascent points balance.
In this scenario, I can't see this working for me at all so I don't think I will go ahead with applying for the Explorer to replace my Plat Edge. Does anyone have any other ideas for me?
The other one is for my friend - currently holds what was previously known as the BMW Gold AMEX which actually earns into MR Gateway. He is also intending to apply for the Explorer for the points, but I don't imagine this would work. I can see there was one reference in the past 134 pages of someone who cancelled it a few weeks before applying for the Explorer with the intention of getting the bonus points. I wonder whether he got the points? I don't imagine he would've, seeing as he previously had a MR Gateway account. Maybe I'll PM him to find out what happened as it seems he has not commented back to share the outcome!... although I can't find his comment anymore =/ damnit.
Also the wiki indicates the person who lost their points after linking Gateway back to Ascent after obtaining the bonus points lost their points. This has now been resolved! I can't edit the wiki so I hope somebody else can