that being said, I don't understand a lot of peoples mentality both on this forum and from my customers, in when they get so offended if Amex is not accepted.
They may act offended but if they thought about it for a moment they'd realise its not so much an 'offence' as it is a major inconvenience.
As a business owner the faces they pull and the half whispered remarks are a big opportunity you shouldn't miss to wake up and smell the coffee.
Unhappy customers, whether truly offended or just thinking to themselves "what a PITA" are unlikely to give you their business again unless you have no competition in the area.
Whilst its certainly true that most of the paying public out there doesn't chase FF points quite as vociferously as we do here at AFF its certainly true that customers choose payment methods for their own reasons and will feel inconvenienced if those methods are not accepted.
There are a million different payment methods out there in the world of course, from cash to a herd of goats, not everything can be acceptable to every business - but certain methods, over time, and in certain cultures, have certainly become the norm. In Australia, Cash, MC/VC, EFTPOS and Amex are surely the big guns of payment (and, I should add, cheques, at the business level. Still very common in my experience).
I've only ever found small business or small business mentality charges a surcharge or different surcharges for different methods. Most of the big players in any given industry realise its bad for business to deny any payment and worse to annoy their paying customers
(hotels may be an exception to my statement above .. something weird and cartel like going on there)