Amex Survey

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Dec 25, 2004
Received a mailer from Amex today inviting me to participate in an online survey.

The carrot is a $30 Coles group gift voucher for 25 mins of my time answering questions to help them improve the features and benefits of my Amex card.

That's a reasonable deal I think - only issue is that they survey is broken, and my credentials that I'm supposed to be using to access the survey don't work.

Havn't emailed the survey team yet about it - going to leave it a bit longer to see if the data just isn't loaded properly yet and the problem fixes itself automagically.

Amex Card Survey is the site - but you need your credentials from the mailer to start the survey.
I say go for it if you can, for 25 mins work a $30 Coles gift card is a christmas pressie.
They can send me one if they like,I wouldn't say no.
Survey login is fixed.

Interesting questions regarding the future of a particular card/introduction of new cards.

Nothing I want to go into here, but like always it's interesting to see what these types of think-tanks want to throw at you as suggestions as to the future of things.
In my experience, a good proportion of the ideas that get tossed around in surveys never see the light of day.
Received my gift card a couple of days ago, so was quite happy with the whole process :)
I took part in a survey some time ago for Amex. I've used them for years and I don't know why. They would have to be one of the least accepted cards around the world. They offer all sorts of wonderful deals for insurance etc which are of no interest to me. They publish glossy magazines that don't interest me. Places that charge 2% if visa is used charge 5% for Amex. I'd welcome a chance to tell them again what I think. I get FF points, but I have over 1 million, and can't find flights to use them on. Does anyone that uses Amex see any advantage that they can offer to offset the disadvantages?
rhjames said:
Does anyone that uses Amex see any advantage that they can offer to offset the disadvantages?

Lots of advantages from my point of view, you get less limits on points, earn more points, and atleast in some countries where i spend a lot of time there is no surcharge for Amex and often at food places etc 15% discounts so its a good card to have, i have only an Amex and a Visa. Nothing else.

Evan said:
Lots of advantages from my point of view, you get less limits on points, earn more points, and atleast in some countries where i spend a lot of time there is no surcharge for Amex and often at food places etc 15% discounts so its a good card to have, i have only an Amex and a Visa. Nothing else.


Interesting - I've found the opposite. It probably depends where you use it. I also use visa and Amex, but got tired of the Amex hassles, so I rarely bother to pull it out now.
rhjames said:
Interesting - I've found the opposite. It probably depends where you use it. I also use visa and Amex, but got tired of the Amex hassles, so I rarely bother to pull it out now.

In Australia i fully agree its not the most useful card. Overseas in some countries its completely the opposite. All depends how much and where you travel i guess.

I am sure we would all keep our cards except for the fee's thats the annoying thing, they charge you to keep it, then again they dont often get any interest out of me so makes it ok i guess.

Platinum cards in some countries also get you a lot, like free entry to venues and priority lines etc, even at the movies :)

Asia cares a lot more about status than us generally.

rhjames said:
I took part in a survey some time ago for Amex. I've used them for years and I don't know why. They would have to be one of the least accepted cards around the world. They offer all sorts of wonderful deals for insurance etc which are of no interest to me. They publish glossy magazines that don't interest me. Places that charge 2% if visa is used charge 5% for Amex. I'd welcome a chance to tell them again what I think. I get FF points, but I have over 1 million, and can't find flights to use them on. Does anyone that uses Amex see any advantage that they can offer to offset the disadvantages?

I guess it really depends on the individual person.

I have fee free Amex cards with high points earn that are great.

In Oz, the places i shop, Amex is accepted about 7-8 times out of 10 which is much much better than it used to be and more importantly where I spend a majority of my money (grocery/dept stores/clothing/restaurants) it is more like 100%. I do carry a Visa like you for backup though.

The travel insurance on my cards is actually excellent and a great bonus.

I find it hard to believe you can't find any flights to use your points on ;) :p if you are having so much trouble, feel free to consider me family and flick me a cool 500k, I guarantee I will be able to use them :D
pauly7 said:
I find it hard to believe you can't find any flights to use your points on ;) :p if you are having so much trouble, feel free to consider me family and flick me a cool 500k, I guarantee I will be able to use them :D

I use points for some local flights and new Zealand. Found it impossible to get business class to Europe or South Africa on FF.
Whenever I am in Asia, it always suprises me how much status of cards is valued, and what certain cards can do for you.

Walking through malls in Singapore, a good number of shops had 15%/20%/10% off everything for Amex cardholders if they paid using Amex. Others had discounts for certain other bank branded cards, or certain coloured cards. I certainly saved quite a few $ on things I had to buy in Singapore by using the Amex.

In Hong Kong, Platinum Visa tends to get you special benefits (eg discounts) more than Amex etc, and in Bangkok, again Amex tended to offer some discounts at various stores (including a huge Amex Membership Rewards points bonus if you spent X Baht at one particular shopping mall. I wasn't going to try tho, as I had no use for gift vouchers there :) )

In Australia, Amex does have some special offers and discounts, but nothing like you see overseas.
Mal said:
Walking through malls in Singapore, a good number of shops had 15%/20%/10% off everything for Amex cardholders if they paid using Amex.

There's my problem - Wild horses couldn't drag me into a shopping mall, particularly when I'm overseas. The only spending I do is hotel, restaurant and taxi (if a shuttle isn't available). I never go near normal shops when travelling unless it's for essentials like deodourant (even toothpaste comes in the airline travel packs)
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