If you are going for a "fee free" conversion, check the rate your bank is giving you. How much does it vary from the mid-market rate? Is it worse than a bank with a fee?
“Banks” generally don’t do the conversion when using Credit/Debit cards OS. It’s VISA, Mastercard and AMEX (for most peeps). As posted earlier, VISA and MC publish (and update) their effective exchange rates with their built in fee (again, circa 0.5%).
If the bank or card issuer charges an international transaction fee (often 3%) that’ll be in top of the VISA/MC rate - often shown separately on your statement. As far as I know, all or most AMEX cards charge 3%.
"There is no such thing as a free lunch?". You will pay in some way.
As little as about 0.5% using an “international fee free” card. No escaping the VISA/MC conversion fee - that’s the fee you pay for using the VISA or MC systems. That’s seperate to what your bank may or may not charge for using their card and seperate to what the merchant might pass on to cover the cost of using a POS machine. Outside of Oz, NZ is one of the few other countries that I’ve been where you routinely see a card surcharge (of 1% to 2% fee).
Also when comparing conversions check the time and date they occurred. Currencies vary on a minute-by-minute basis. The AUD changed from 1.12 to 1.11 against the NZD over a period of one day. That's a change of 0.8%, almost a conversion fee's worth! It has been know to change by 3%. How does the AUD change? It has been known to vary by 6% over 4 weeks (July/August 2024) against the Euro. We are at the mercy of currency variations when travelling overseas!
This is not exactly new. The AUD was floated back in the 1980s! But we were still using travellers cheques, so you’d effectively locked in one conversion and fee.
In reality, the effective exchange rate you see doesn’t vary every minute. Buying several rounds of drinks at the same pub over a couple hours will invariably post at the same amount. Not worth worry about.
Who keeps track of this on holiday? Few people. I certainly don't. It would spoil my holiday.
Some people do get hung up about it. Again, really not worth worrying about. It is what is - it might go up one day and down another. If you luck in, the exchange rate could improve over the course of a trip and you’re eating lobster towards the end. Or it could go pear shape and it’s boiled rice.
If you want some certainty, try a coughty travel money card or better, something like Wise. You might luck in if the exchange rate falls or lose out because the exchange rate improves and you locked in at a lower amount - and then you back to worrying about exchange rates again…
One thing for
certain, accepting
DCC will just make that lobster at least 6% more expensive!