jb747, so let's say that there's an engine failure on your A380 an hour out of LHR enroute to DXB, how would you decide which A380-capable alternate to use (assuming all have perfect weather and are available)? I understand that there's really not just one answer to this, but I'm more interested in the decision making process, e.g. what factor would you look at first and/or be considered more important, and so on?
Firstly, continuing to destination is unlikely to be an option, as the increased fuel burn would mean your arrival fuel would be inadequate.
There is nothing forcing an immediate landing. You don't have an emergency.
You will be overweight, but dumping won't correct that problem. So, you either need to fly around for a while (quite a while) to get below max landing weight, or you'll need to accept a landing at heavier. Landing overweight isn't a huge issue per se, but you should try to make it an autoland if at all possible.
What's the weather like at the possible destinations?
What's the terrain like at any possibles? In the European example, it's mostly flat around the places you'd consider, but if for instance you were looking at going to Hong Kong, any go around could take you towards high terrain, in which case you'd need to be thinking about the 'engine failure on take off' procedures, rather than the normal go around.
Is any sort of fix likely? Where are there spares and expertise? What about a replacement crew? Have curfews closed off some of your options (remembering that it isn't really an emergency, so you can't just go and bust them). What sort of support are you likely to get on the ground?
Where does the company want you to go? You may get a laugh out of their answer, but they'll have to pick up the pieces if you park it somewhere.
What's the terrain like on the route you're flying? How would you fare if a second engine failed?
So, the answer isn't as cut and dried as the question may seem. I can see cases where heading east and going to somewhere like Istanbul could well be a valid response. And Kuwait isn't all that bad an answer. My preference though, would be to go back to London.