On Amex vs Visa, the choice is effectively between 0.25c/point for 1:1 or 0.75c/point for 1.5:1 once the deduction is taken into account. I'm early enough in the points getting game that I'm happier with cheap. Once I'm more familiar with using the points effectively this may change.
You’re correct that it’s a choice between a lower fee per point and fewer points (MC/Visa) or higher fee per point and more points (Amex), and different people will have different views on which way to go.
However, it’s important to be aware that the cost is not 75c per point with Amex after the deduction, it’s 51c per point (assuming you’re in the highest tax bracket). Using $10k as an example again:
Fee: $145
Fee after deduction: $77.58
Points earned: 15,217 (you earn points on the total amount paid – including the fee

Cost per point =
7758/15217 = 51c.
With regard to the MC or Visa option, your cost per point is correct if you can earn 1 point per $. However, I believe you can only do that with direct earn QF or VA cards – so if you’re happy to be locked in to a specific FF programme that’s fine, but I’m not. Among the MC or Visa cards that allow conversion to a choice of FF programs, AFAIK the best you can get is 0.625 points per $, and most only earn 0.5 points per $. If you use one of those cards, you would pay either 41c or 51c per point, but earn a lot fewer points.
Your point that you get taxed on the interest earned is something I had overlooked and it definitely swings things back in favor of paying with your own cash. In my case all interest bearing accounts are in my wife's name which avoids the problem. Without this option I'd be with you in wanting to claim the deduction.
That’s a good point, and actually I could avail of that option too (although I’d need my wife to open a new account first!). Also, I have an offset account on my home loan, so I can effectively earn interest tax free that way (at 5.65%). But the fact is, the limit on the card I’m going to use on my upcoming tax bill is only about 15% of my total bill, so the actual interest I’d save would be just 15% of the theoretical total. That makes that option a complete non-starter for me.
I agree if you have a bill that you can pay off within your credit limit, and you’re planning to use a Visa or MC, then preloading for the deduction is a waste of time. However, if you have bill larger than your credit card limit, and/or you plan to use an Amex, you would be way better off with the deduction. Horses for courses!
EDIT: actually even the direct earn Velocity MC/Visa cards seem to only pay 0.5 pts/$, and some are provided by Citi (so will now earn nothing). So other than QFF direct earn cards, I don't think you can do better than 0.625 points per $ unless you use Amex.