Have not been successful in having this refunded to me despite supplying proof of purchase of the gift cards, proof of the source of my funds used to purchase and offer of statutory declaration attesting to the circumstances around the payments, disposal of gift cards etc. They have no legal basis to hold the funds but claimed it was “illegal” to refund to anywhere other than the original source. I asked them to provide me with the specific piece of legislation that prohibits this and of course the couldn’t. They eventually admitted there was nothing preventing them processing a refund other than their own internal policies. When I pointed out that the majority of people likely never incur a tax debt, meaning that in many/most cases the funds would never be drawn down on and therefore could in theory sit in the account as a credit balance forever I was met with silence. They simply have no response to that ludicrous scenario.
The main frustration you will face is never being able to talk to anyone with any real authority to do anything. You will only ever be in contact with call centre staff or low level complaints investigators. Suspect you may have more luck if you’re prepared to go to court over it but that will take up even more of your time.