has anyone been audited by their bank for work purchases on personal card
You got to love the banks and the way they operate, my views on this are:
I apply for a credit card, I provide financial information and they approve or decline me. If I tell them I earn $130,000 per year, the give me a credit card with a limit of $25,000 and I spend $20,000 on the card each month, doesn't logic dictate that I am spending more than I earn, hence its not "personal use". Sure, I could have my 15 cousins all putting their bills on my credit card, etc, etc but the banks really play both sides of the field as it suits them.
6 months ago, I called my credit card provider (not Westpac) and requested an increase of $10k from 35K to 45K. I got declined because they thought the percentage of business transactions on the card was too high, they briefly mentioned the cards T&C's but no mention that I should stop using the card for work.
1 month ago, my bill was 25k and I only paid 24.6K by accident. 2 days before I received my statement, I received a phone call, offering to increase by limit by 10K, which I accepted. I was surprised that this happened given the history. I then received my statement, with around $600 in interest charges because of my previous short payment of $400. Due to my excellent payment history, they reversed the interest charges BUT I truly believe that if I had not accidently short paid my last statement and had not been hit with interest charges, I would not have received the phone call to increase my credit limit. IMO, they offered to increase my limit so they could make more money off me in interest payments.....
Don't trust the banks..... I agree with regular transfers out of credit card rewards programs to airlines (excluding AMEX).