What twit would accept vaccines, without first checking the fridge has a maximum and minimum temperature and alarm?, and a log pad and pen on the side? This will not be the last time the Gomer Pile strikes. Those wasted vials should go to the Zoo, as tigers , cats, ferret and mink can catch covid too.
Talking of ICT, the iron clad know you got your money's worth is consultants who can adapt and modify a system without having to write or wheel in something brand new, or repurpose something already in production somewhere else. In the public service, decisions are usually based on new project money(good) or be punished, write the new system and it comes out of YOUR budget. Secondly NO system whipped up in a hurry will have decent security - like how are you going to import the names of all the doctors /nurses / vets giving the jabs?
I say vets, because most have very good fridges, and they know how to give jabs - and people trust their vet. It can also be sociable and calming for the nervous. Many cats would enjoy seeing their servants being jabbed.
Any incentive to get everyone the jab is a positive. Using the appeal of pets is fair game.
Above all else, sometimes a piece of paper is MORE efficient, and can easily be scraped into existing systems. An average mobile phone or Camera can also hold a lot. The Australian National Library archive TROVE would capture the lot, and ANL for fresh project money would probably say yes. I think all people need is a bit of paper - Medicare Number, Name, sex , age, DOB(extra check), contact number, contact email,bit flags(Allergies,priority group,informed consent form, taken online consent test). And it hurts to say, Facebook ID or other(that would not be expected to match the persons name and any details).
Now you pack all of this goodness - into a QR code, the the person wanting the shot can hand the 'provider' . There is even a new QR format called 'JAB' see
QR code - Wikipedia. For those not worried about privacy at all (yes there are some) a little sticker on your medicare card. When flights resume, the airlines or bordersecurity may want to think about JAB QR codes and or secure QR codes, because you would not need magstripe readers. They recently outsourced or are seeking submissions.