On Seatguru, version 1 of the 767 represents the first 3 original 767-300ER's (N580HA to N582HA) that were originally supposed to go to Ansett Australia. These aircraft have the older Boeing interior. Version 2 of the 767 on Seatuguru represents the newer 767s leased from Boeing Capital and AWAS (N587HA to N593HA). These aircraft have the newer Boeing Signature 777 style interior. I believe version 2 also represents the 4 ex-Delta planes (N594HA, N596HA to N598HA). However, these aircraft have a different interior called the Nu-Look interior that is an aftermarket modification from a company called Heath Tecna. It is quite nice and almost like the Boeing Signature interior.....The only configuration not represented on Seatuguru is for the 4 ex-LTU ILFC leased aircraft (N583HA to N586HA). I haven't flown on too many of these aircraft so can't recall the interior too much.