Citi approved my limit increase so I will be taking their free money. Although a 2% fee wasn't mentioned and I won't do it unless its truly free as otherwise it's not much better than my mortgage.
Interesting, I notice in my offers page on the citi website that I have the 6 month balance transfer offer available. I do not see mention of any 2% fee.
Contemplating taking this up, any other gotchas to be weary of?
Balance Transfer for CC and Balance transfer on LOC are quite different. Guess you may need to check whether the "offer" you found is in the Lending section as opposed to CC section.
Not all offers are the same.
Mine was 0% balance transfer for 6 months with 2% balance transfer fee. I am saving at least 7% interest so it's worthwhile.
Apologies for the confusion.Not sure your numbers add up. I may be wrong but here is how (finance background) I would interpret it.
A 2% balance transfer fee would be 2% of total balance, so transfer $5,000 then fee is $100.
It is true - you can prove anything with figures..
You can confuse too unfortunately.
Logged into my account and noticed this today, found it amusing.
View attachment 34255
Edit: how do I make uploaded pictures bigger?
Edit 2 : For those that cheekily ask for a credit limit increase prior to taking up the BT, how did they ask for it, did it process quickly & did they take a veda hit from it?
I received 2 offers and am thinking of getting the cheque to self and putting it into my home loan for 6 months. How does this deposit affect tax? Is it classed as income? Do you have to declare it at all? Thanks.
Wasn't cheeky. I had previously dropped my credit limit to 1/3 of what they originally offered me. When I got the balance transfer offer by phone I asked them to call back in a week. I then rang and asked for a credit limit increase, telling them I had a substantial purchase coming up (which is true). They told me they could only do 50% unless they referred me for a full re-evaluation which I did, and still only got an additional 50%. maybe it has something to do with the NAB and ANZ cards I got in the meantime....
So I paid my account balance in full yesterday, put the cards in a safe place today, and completed the BT process this afternoon. Whilst I like this card a lot I'll use another not quite as good, for the saving of 4.5% on my mortgage offset...
Oh and for the 'substantial purchase' i will apply for the Westpac Altitude with 0% on purchases for 12 months and that will be my primary card for the next year.
Not necessarily a Veda hit - standard practice. There was no BT fee; completely free.