If you're talking civil servants you probably want to complain on a UK internet site. Here they are public servants. If a politician is letting their child fly at public expense (regardless of class) I agree, they better have a very good reason.
Only very senior public servants fly business class domestically and SYD-CBR vv isn't included in that entitlement. Still no need to let the facts get in the way of a good rant.
Your first comment and my final rebuttal, "Government is a service, not a profession" well regardless of what your occupation is, then surely you are entitled to be remunerated appropriately including conditions of service?
I appreciate some people like to sneer at, and look down on people who work in government or even are in parliament. In my opinion some of those people really don't understand what they're sneering at. Politicians generally do work very hard as do public servants.
One thing they do work hard at is dealing with businesses who want subsidies (grants or welfare by another name) for their organisation/industry etc. And watch them whinge when they don't get it.
Oh and if you exclude politicians and very senior public servants from the CL then the business personnel will go to where ever they are, i.e. the J lounge and meet there. It does serve a purpose and it suits those involved. When declared then it doesn't compromise the ethics of parliament or the public service.