Re: Response fom Kingsford Smith
We did receive a request from
kingsfordsmith (which we believe is a genuine representative of Kingsford Smith Parking) for the names and address of the original poster. As per our Privacy Policy (
The Australian Frequent Flyer - Privacy), we never make this information available. (Incidentally, we don't record the physical address. This is an online site and we have no need for it.)
AFF has no position on the claim of the original party or the counter claim by Kingsford Smith Parking. This is a public forum. Provided a post satisfies our guidelines (ie. not commercial/vulgar/offensive) and does not breach the laws of the land it is acceptable.
As with anything else you read on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter), the reader shouldn't automatically assume that material posted on a public forum is fact.
kingsfordsmith also requested that we delete this thread as it is having an impact on his business. As the thread is now part of the "public record", we won't be doing that. But, I have edited the original post to include the response from
kingsfordsmith. I advise members to read the whole thread before coming to any conclusions.
I am now going to close this thread. If anyone has new information which they would like to add to this topic, please PM admin or any of the mods for consideration.
Update on 20 July 3pm:
ridgeback and
lillyjak requested that we delete their posts. We have complied with their request.
Response from Kingsford Smith
We have been notified of your post and its defamatory statement which include false statements relating to your use parking services.
You have made statements that are innacurate and false and have used the forum here as an attempt defame our business.
We are attempting to obtain your address with view to serve you with legal defamation proceedings.
Ridgeback and Liljak are member of the famly.
Your defamation of me personally and our business is inspired by your inability to present yourself with sufficient time to transfer the airport.have made false statements that caused our business harm.
We will formally request this site hand over your details.
Our solicitors Clayton Utz are trying to track you down to serve defamation papes upon you and your family.
You have lied and besmirched our business when we did not agree to your demand for $1400.
The facts of this case are completely in opposition to your statements.
Please call Kinsgford Smith Parking to confirm your address.
Kingsford Smith Parking