My CBA Platinum is up for renewal. I need this card but do not want to pay $250.00 annual fee. Did anyone get a part fee waiver with CBA when trying to cacel?
Sheriff said:Yes, but I wasn't threating to cancel. I don't believe in making cancellation threats.
I have finally managed to convince the CBA to waive the $200 Platinum MasterCard fee.I received a letter from the CBA confirming the annual fee waiver.The letter says
A very polite Customer Service Representative from the CBA also rang to advise that the next annual fee on my new Platinum Mastercard will be due October 2008, thats 2 years away.He also suggested to call back then to discuss a possible further annual fee waiver.
Who knows ???, maybe free for life
How did you convince CBA to waive the fee???
Do you have alot of business with the bank?
Do you spend heaps of money on the card?
kristo1 said:Does anyone know which section of CBA or whom to contact at the CBA re a fee waiver on my Platinum Mastercard?![]()
The call centre said they couldnt help me and put me on to my local branch manager. When I contacted her, she said she doesnt have the authority to waive annual fees on Credit cards, nor do they deal with these matters! :!:
Sounds like a typical run around!:evil: That really gets me going.:evil: :evil:
Iaving the right contact area or name would help.
kristo1 said:I have discussed this "fee waiver" matter with a number of phone staff at the CBA.
They say that the bank has made a 'Business Decision" not to allow fee waivers.
When I mentioned the fact that I know of one person who did get a fee waiver, no names mentioned of course, and further questioned the staff member the following appears to be the case.
You need to have a special circumstance to get a fee Taking up an "offer" to change to CBA Platinum either from another card or other similiar arrangement eg changing from a Woolworths card to a Platinum Card AND/OR have a certain level of business with the CBA that allows the bank to make a greater PROFIT from your business than the cost of the $200 fee, or other similiar calculation.
I only have a credit card that I pay on the due date and have limited dealings with COMSEC. This is NOT considered sufficient business to qualify for the waiver. If I had a business bank account and PAYING FEES to CBA and/or large deposits or home / other loans with CBA, for which they would make money, I would be more likely to get a fee waiver.
Any comments on this?