So are people donating? I would be stoked if people are. It would be fantastic.
I myself usually donate to a few charities at tax time. This year I've brought it forward and am distributing the same amount amongst multiple charities. I would be glad if others are giving to some charities for the first time!
I'm donating small amounts to many charities at the moment. I usually donate a more substantial amount to a couple of charities at tax time.
One $2 donation has backfired on me. I donated online to the RFDS and a receipt was forwarded to me by email..... End of story, or so I thought.
Yesterday a hand written:shock: receipt arrived in the mail, complete with .55c stamp. I suspect that Australia Post gained more from my donation than the RFDS did.

World Vision have a much more sensible approach. If you are registered as a donor with them they tally your donations and send only one receipt at the end of the financial year.