My partner and I want to travel MEL-SFO-Japan(any city)-MEL or vv in Dec/Jan over 2-3 weeks. Flexible about intermediate stops, prefer not to backtrack much.
I'm acutely aware that prices are all over the place for that period depending on travel dates, so at the moment curious more about what people would expect to be the cheapest non-life-endangering solutions
and then I'll toddle off and do more research. As far as I could see, Pacific circle fares would cost more much more than point-to-point fares for this itin...
I did research for a similar trip about 18 months ago and found a combo of VAustralia, SQ and Continental, plus domestic seemed cheapest (and the thought of changing in Guam seemed kinda amusing!).
I'm acutely aware that prices are all over the place for that period depending on travel dates, so at the moment curious more about what people would expect to be the cheapest non-life-endangering solutions

I did research for a similar trip about 18 months ago and found a combo of VAustralia, SQ and Continental, plus domestic seemed cheapest (and the thought of changing in Guam seemed kinda amusing!).