We landed at 7:40pm at the KUL satellite terminal. My wheels collected me from the aircraft doors. My pusher was a tiny young lady and I wondered how she would manage to get me to a taxi. I'm not huge but I am probably twice her weight and we were heading up hill.
We arrived at the train which takes passengers to the main terminal. We engaged in the usual small talk. “Do you have a car?” “No, I need to get a taxi.” “OK.” “Would you mind if we stop at an ATM?” “OK.” “Do you have a bag?” “Yes, one small bag.” “OK.”
We went through immigration without delay. We actually queued up behind three other passengers in the premium line. She then pointed to a “Disabled” sign above a vacant immigration position and said “we can go there if you like.” “Yes please.” I think she was concerned that I would be offended at the suggestion that I may be disabled. Hah, I’m lovin’ it! Well, the getting around airports easily part of it anyway.
We were now looking for an ATM. She saw a currency exchange booth and asked if I’d like to use it. I hesitated while I checked the AUD rate. I knew that the mid-rate was around MYR3.04. They were offering MYR2.81. “Err, no thanks” was my response. I spotted an ATM and withdrew MYR120 using my Citibank Plus debit card so that I could pay for the taxi. That cost me A$39.76, so I got MYR3.018.
:idea: Cheapskate tip: Try to avoid airport based currency exchange booths. They will usually cost you between 8% and 10% for the privilege. There are a number of money changers at Ampang Park shopping mall in KL. The mid-rate yesterday was MYR3.08. The money changers were selling at MYR3.07 and buying at MYR3.10. They seem to work on a 1% spread .
My bag was about the fifth one out. My pusher collected it with some assistance from the men crowding the belt. She then put it next to me and told me to hold onto it while she pushed the wheelchair. OK. A male airport employee saw this, came over, took the bag and headed through customs. We followed. I now had my own pusher and a bagman

We got to the taxi booth and my bagman asked where I was going, asked me for some money, then purchased the taxi voucher for me. It cost MYR83.40 (A$27.20). He gave me the change and we headed off to the taxi rank. He put my bag in the boot while I got into the cab. I offered my pusher a MYR10 (A$3.25) tip and she smiled at me and said “No, It’s OK”. Amazing. It was now 8:20pm so 40 minutes from gate to kerb. I hadn’t taken a step.
The cab ride took 45 minutes. When we got to the DoubleTree KL the driver asked for a wheelchair. I was wheeled to reception and then to my room.