China Southern insurance scam


Established Member
Jun 13, 2007
Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know an odd experience my mum has just had with a scam of some sort My folks are very frequent fliers.

She received a call about 2 weeks back (didn’t tell me at the time) about some China southern booking. She considered it a scam and hung up.

Yesterday she gets a similar call. They have her name, obviously her mobile, and they tell her passport number too. They go on to say that there is an insurance claim being investigated for fraud.

I understand at this point she hung up again; but they did have her real details. I’m not sure where the leak is from or what angle they are pushing but I did find a thread on reddit with similar reports.

I suspect this scam might target people with Chinese names or who have flown Chinese carriers so if you have relatives, esp those who speak mandarin maybe give them a heads up.

We’ve now cancelled the passports and applied for new ones (about a year earlier than I was going to anyway).
I assume you have clarified things further before cancelling passports. Have they had an actual booking with China Southern?
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