I've recently started using my chipped Amex, and am yet to be able to use Chip+PIN as intended. This is my experience based on the acquiring bank (ie. which bank runs the particular EFTPOS terminal):
*CBA - chip application not supported, had to swipe (and could enter PIN)
*ANZ - chip application not supported, had to swipe (and could enter PIN). Contactless did not work.
*Suncorp - swipe only, signature only
*BOQ - swipe only, signature only
*Westpac - could actually read the chip!

... no prompt for a PIN though - went straight to signature. When using my non-chipped Amex cards in the same terminal, I am able to enter a PIN however...
I've not yet had the chance to use the card at Woolies or Coles.
Is anyone aware of the timeline of when software will be released to the above banks to correctly support Amex chips? Most of my transactions happen to be on ANZ terminals, so it would be great if they'd get their act together (particularly with the contactless).
Also, as to 'burning' the PIN - for those that have managed to 'burn' the PIN (most likely from Coles/Woolies), what has your experience been on Westpac terminals? Are you prompted to enter the PIN, or do your chip cards also revert to signature?