Probably because staff are sick of attempting to keep customers happy!
Virgin - Great ideas, but implementation is pathetic
As for this offers, as it stands are few of us are wondering "where our our newspapers"
Yet again, someone didn't think about the offer and the implementation of the offer
The email offering this was sent out on the 18th of April, and it has only been 8 working days since then, so I wasn't expecting anything.
The confirmation email said that someone would be in touch soon, they should have added more detail and a time-frame instead of leaving people wondering... Oh wait that's like most other things Virgin do "coming soon" Virgin should have had the confirmation email to state "Someone will be in touch within 10 working days after the 2nd May". But instead people are left wondering, again.....
Considering the offer was available to be taken up to the "2 May 2012" I suspect after that date all the information will be forwarded on and the papers will start.