I went into Economy on a flight last night and saw them doing a second drinks round serving from a cardboard cake box with a random assortment of things on it, and a steward carrying beers up from the rear galley. Have had similar experiences of many beers offered on a short flight and others where a request for second was met with pursed lips and 'what if you fall down the stairs, we are liable' (I pointed out they use a gangway at Adelaide but dragon was unimpressed).
I usually take my own as I don't like drying out mid flight and you can never trust them to satisfy. Even in Business, a well placed couple of minis in the pocket does wonders to beef up a scabbily made gin and tonic and because I like to have a glass in hand while touching down and some rotten and officious stewards like to remove beer cans/plastic cups, it's handy to pre-pack one or two of these.
Will never forget the sour look on a stewardess's face heading out of HK when she saw me necking greedily on a Coopers Pale Ale which I'd retrieved from the First lounge - 'he's got his own alcohol, he's got his own alcohol!!' in her best shrill cry to the Purser. Up yours!
Every flight should be a party, in my opinion, and cause I always travel for pleasure, why the hell not?
For QANTAS, RSA policy is a lame excuse not to load enough alcohol for thirsty passengers and as long as everyone behaves, who cares?