Just had an interesting email from Velocity pop into - a few days ago, I reached the required SCs to maintain Gold again this year, although my review date isn't until March, so was quite surprised to receive the following email:
[TABLE="class: yiv8860533746width-300, width: 560"][TR][TD="class: yiv8860533746headeroutlook, align: center"]Climb higher than ever before[/TD][/TR][TR][TD][/TD][/TR][TR][TD="align: center"]Congratulations, you have successfully maintained your Gold membership.
Shortly after your review date, 7 March 2018, we will send you a new Gold membership pack. This pack will include your new membership card, so you can enjoy Gold membership for a further 12 months.
But why stop now?
You can take your membership to the next level - Platinum, and enjoy more exclusive benefits when your Status Credit balance reaches 1,000 and you have flown 8 Eligible Sectors.
Obviously encouraging me to try for Platinum (I've got more than enough eligible sectors, but the SCs just aren't going to happen LOL) but it's the first time I received acknowledgment during the year that I've achieved requalification. Has anyone else received an email like this, or is it maybe something new from Velocity?
[TABLE="class: yiv8860533746width-300, width: 560"][TR][TD="class: yiv8860533746headeroutlook, align: center"]Climb higher than ever before[/TD][/TR][TR][TD][/TD][/TR][TR][TD="align: center"]Congratulations, you have successfully maintained your Gold membership.
Shortly after your review date, 7 March 2018, we will send you a new Gold membership pack. This pack will include your new membership card, so you can enjoy Gold membership for a further 12 months.
But why stop now?
You can take your membership to the next level - Platinum, and enjoy more exclusive benefits when your Status Credit balance reaches 1,000 and you have flown 8 Eligible Sectors.
Obviously encouraging me to try for Platinum (I've got more than enough eligible sectors, but the SCs just aren't going to happen LOL) but it's the first time I received acknowledgment during the year that I've achieved requalification. Has anyone else received an email like this, or is it maybe something new from Velocity?