I recently took my first & second ever flight with VA - both self funded & on J
I went in with a certain level of expectation and I should say, my expectations were well met by VA. The check in process, smooth and easy. The lounge - only spent a short amount of time, but it was practical. There was not fancy offerings in terms of food. Very basic packed sandwiches, fruits, etc. Part of the reason why I went in with some level of expectations was because of what QF had shown me in terms of what to expect when flying J .. it was great to start with, but as time goes by, one realises it's not much
I think that with the limited/reduced offerings (in terms of routes, lounge etc) from VA2.0, there is a potential to do little & do it right. This will help establish trust in VA. I have always believed in the logic that when can only do so much, then do it right. So that the next time when someone wants to give you something big to work on - they will trust you to deliver and you will have the confidence that you can deliver.
I have been looking forward for VA to re-open their SYD-CBR route. I recently moved to CBR from SYD for work and I was very, very keen on flying VA for the rest of 2021. I'm not going to anywhere internationally in 2021. So I'm open to spending my $$ with VA domestically - if they can reopen SYD-CBR.
Having only flown twice so far, I understand that most people who contributed to this post is more qualified that me. However, this is my 2 cents.
VA having a P1 (or something similar) tier - at the outset, I don't think that's a bad idea or something that might not work. I say this because, as someone rightly pointed out - as FF we look for an airline that values our loyalty. We give you the $$ and you reward us with benefits that are practical and something we are able to cherish.
I'm a QF Platinum, NOT a P1. I have taken advantage of some of the practical benefits that comes with my QF P. For instance, calling up the premium CC and get a reward seat (or two) released for a flight. Sometimes, very, very close to the flying date. This is a tangible benefit in my opinion. I know that there is something similar in VA as well. As one member pointed out, being able to request a reward seat without having to call CC would be a great option by VA.
There is a notion that VA is looked at as the alternative to QF. When I try & book a flight - I naturally gravitate towards QF first. However, before trying VA, I leaned more towards JQ as my second option because I could use my QF points on a reward seat with JQ. The point I'm trying to make is, VA should make some partners. There might not be anyone to partner with now - but VA should be open to the idea of having partners (international or domestic) to ensure that VA is the first choice to make a booking and their partners are the 2nd choice
Based on my flying (limited flying) experience with VA - I see myself being able to use them for my domestic travels. Especially when they do CBR-MEL return in J for $400 or $500 - that is a very lucrative fare in comparison with QF on the same route would be $1K+
One member pointed out the JetBlue model - that is an amazing thing. I checked out the JB's new J (or F) fit out for US market - that is mind blowing. Imagine having a similar layout for domestic J between our cities. I'd be willing to pay $$$ to experience it and convince my mates to try VA as well.
I think VA is now at the point where they can ;
a. Afford to make some mistakes - given that the airline is being resurrected and given a fresh coat of paint. Try different things and offer something that QF, or, VA1.0 for that matter, has not done before
b. Make some friends/partners - in the airline area so that you are able to have some cash coming your way or at least have loyalty that could, potentially, translate into revenue down the line
c. Keep offering low prices on the J product - It's one thing to offer Y tickets at cheap prices, but, offering J tickets at cheap prices - I think will woo the business travel crowd to use VA for their needs. If one thinks about it, the money minded business traveller will choose to fly Y and those that don't worry about money (or have their employer foot their travel expenses) will choose to fly with an airline that offers better $ deals and flexibility. Keep your tickets flexible and your costs low - business will follow
d. Respond well to lockdowns & such - CoVID times - one can't say what will happen tomorrow. As long as VA can keep flying with reasonable flexibility they should be fine. To be able to keep flying, sell tickets at reasonable costs and ensure service
I believe things like these gives an edge over QF. However, VA needs to do *heaps* more before they can get to the point where QF is. Not that VA has to do match QF. But to stay relevant & competitive in the market - VA needs to up it's offering game.