Just got to love all these gimmick sales. Why just facebook????
Certain companies use Twitter and Facebook to launch special promotions targeted to those groups, and they work for those groups as they’re targeted to them. They’re not so much targeted to you
I have no idea, must be trying to leverage off the current fads, pity such fads are also becoming the method of choice for malware delivery.
I think ANZ does very well with their Twitter accounts, offering all sorts of nice things to loyal followers. Other airlines have mixed success with it too. If you play the gam, you win occasionally, if you don’t, you go no where.
And I would think the targeted audience might be stupid enough to find malware, but these offers aren’t malware, so I don’t see how it impacts negatively on them.
They will get some business but it makes it extremely unfair to other travellers (who may well be frequent travellers) that refuse to use Facebook.
Similar to the 2 for 1 deals discriminating against single travellers.
Does DJ want loyalty? I don't think so.
The Facebook promotions are focused on a specific demographic, so are the Twitter sales. The 2-for-1’s are great for couples, sure, they’re not good for single travellers or mormons, but hey, you can’t please everyone. Like I’m sure couples aren’t happy when they see non 2-for-1 sales.
DJ does want loyalty, but the sort of loyalty you refer to would be the kind where you can build up status. Assuming you were already a DJ Gold, you’d need to take 184 flights at that price to re-qualify, compared to a normal price. From Red you’re looking at 257 flights.
I thought DJ wanted more business pax and to be on par with QF. By doing this sort of promotion it seems like they are sticking to their lesuire traveller..
This seems like a thing JQ or TT would do.
I think DJ are still a little confused!
I didn’t think a business traveller was looking for the absolute rock bottom cheapest ticket, I thought they went for flexible tickets, ones they could generally upgrade if on QF?
This sale is positioned towards a different market, and I don’t see why a company can’t fill the front of the plane with business travellers and the back with leisure travellers?