I love the fact that its something different, when you think that 80% of the aviation staff are made up of Gay and Lesbians anyway.
In saying that I wish my Friday night flight down to Sydney would of been that fun, a coughy Drag-queen would provide better service sometimes!
80%? That's rather on the high side. One guy I met (strangely enough, the person who got me a job in the Telco world) was an ex-NZ FA. He said there really are not that many gay men in the FA community, contrary to popular belief. Sure there are some of them, but not that many. Most the ones I've seen on my flights in OW airlines have been very masculine men, with wedding rings. I know that doesn't necessarily mean much, but they very obviously flirt with the females and are just polite to the men (I'm doing the best I can to not be sterotyping here, but these are just observations).
I think you'll find there's a far higher percentage of gay and lesbian people in IT, at least in my experience (I know many through work and various friends as well - Could be something to do with call centres

And coughy drag queens grate on my nerves after a few minutes. There's a good reason I never go to the Greyhound, despite living just around the corner from it

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