Do Visa/Mastercard Charge Cards exist?


Junior Member
Aug 16, 2022
I’m interested in the Amex platinum for the main reason that it doesn’t have a credit limit and that doesn’t affect what you could be offered for a loan in future. Generally I like the charge card concept. I always pay my balance in full.

Since Amex isn’t accepted absolutely everywhere but you can pretty much guarantee that visa and Mastercard are accepted almost everywhere, are there any institutions that offer Mastercard or Visa charge cards (not credit cards).

If not I’m curious why. Or I wonder is this an exclusive product by invitation only to high net worth clients of banks maybe.
We are just lowly poverty packaged retiree's..with a bank sponsored fee free Visa debit card that pulls direct from a selected account.

I opine that we are not alone , ie it's common.
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are there any institutions that offer Mastercard or Visa charge cards (not credit cards).
I am not aware of any, but that does not mean such does not exist. I do know of Credit Card accounts with extremely high limits.

Be aware that even charge cards generally have a Hidden Limit.
I am not aware of any, but that does not mean such does not exist. I do know of Credit Card accounts with extremely high limits.

Be aware that even charge cards generally have a Hidden Limit.
True but with a charge card it doesn’t appear on your credit report in a way where banks assume the maximum limit is used when you go for a loan.
I believe you can get a diners club charge card with a mastercard linked companion card.
dont think theyre open to new applicants for their personal card though however if you have an ABN looks like you can apply for the business card.
I believe you can get a diners club charge card with a mastercard linked companion card.
dont think theyre open to new applicants for their personal card though however if you have an ABN looks like you can apply for the business card.
+1 I think Diners is the only issuer offering something like this in AU - the MC is intended to be a ‘companion’ card to make up for the ordinary Diners acceptance. Rewards program is pretty ordinary but that’s now the case with all MC and Visa cards. Diners isn’t much better since Citi hacked into it too because it could. YMMV.

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