Does anyone pay for Equifax?

Jul 11, 2023
Hey guys,

Just wondering if you actually pay for this despite there being several free ones out there.

- Any benefits that has proven to be useful?
- Just trying to fix credit score and can't pin point the drop so would it be worth it?

I pay.

Benefits? Hmmmm. I just like to keep tabs, I guess. I check all my bank accounts and credit cards each morning for transactions I don’t recognise.

i check my credit score regularly to see when it takes a hit. Commbank and HSBC seem quite cavalier in their approach to checks, for example

On the other hand, I just applied for and was approved - with a large credit limit (which I reduced) - for the Qantas card and Qantas (NAB) made no enquiry on my credit file 🤷‍♂️

But when I asked Equifax to reflect that a number of the credit providers were actually closed they weren’t much help - told me to contact the providers and they were even more useless.

It is handy to make sure there are no credit checks on file that weren’t initiated by me
I use the Wisr Credit file to check my credit scores and have generally been quite upto date with my scores/updating any credit enquiries against my account.

Till now never had to pay for Equifax as Wisr has been working out ok for me.
On the other hand, I just applied for and was approved - with a large credit limit (which I reduced) - for the Qantas card and Qantas (NAB) made no enquiry on my credit file 🤷‍♂️

NAB pull your credit file via illion I believe. You don't get an Equifax enquiry, but a new account will end up listed within a month.

On topic: I have a complimentary subscription from a data breach, but I previously paid for Equifax and will continue to do so after. Wisr only updates once every 3 months from memory, and doesn't proactively send me alerts when there are new updates on my file.
A few of us have a free Equifax subscription thanks to the Optus data breach. Not sure when that expires but I also just signed up to Wisr…
NAB pull your credit file via illion I believe. You don't get an Equifax enquiry, but a new account will end up listed within a month.

On topic: I have a complimentary subscription from a data breach, but I previously paid for Equifax and will continue to do so after. Wisr only updates once every 3 months from memory, and doesn't proactively send me alerts when there are new updates on my file.
I get Wisr updates every month, but it’s not super detailed like equifax

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