Is there a right and a wrong source for information? Does anyone know the truth?
There are very few right sources of information, plenty of wrong sources. Trouble is must of us think of the right source as the one that reinforces what we already believe, whereas it may not be.
A pertinent example is some news last week that the US government had ordered 500 million masks. Trump announced this. The right wing media portrayed this as the saviour and hero and wow what a difference 500 million masks will make to Americans. Most of the left leaning media went on the attack, saying the order could take 18 months to fulfil. Making it almost seem like they would all take 18 months.
The reality? As reported by a select few that the masks ordered would help provide essential protection to medical workers as they were delivered. Not messiah like save the world, not all doom and gloom but just the sort of decision the machinery of government should be making.
I see less of this political partisanship right now in Australia - for some reason. Maybe that reflects that we are ultimately a bunch of centrists. Even a lot of the stuff the Renato mentions seems to be from from the highly politicised US media and not from Australian media.