First question: I have flown a number of DONE4s over the years but only recently became aware that you could book a couple of sectors in Oz to be used after returning from the main trip. Using the oneworld booking engine, with a Syd departure and arriving back into Mel, I can book a Mel/DRW, but can not get back to the East Coast, even though I am under the sector limit. Current sectors are SYD/AMM/JED/AMM/KWI/LHR/BOS/MCO/JFK/SYD (or MEL). Any ideas?
Second question: BKK/AMM/JED/AMM/KWI are on Royal Jordanian. What experiences have you had flying J on this airline?
Second question: BKK/AMM/JED/AMM/KWI are on Royal Jordanian. What experiences have you had flying J on this airline?