I am in Germany at the moment.In the last few days I have heard about the Greek issues causing angst amongst European traders and the weakening of the Euro against the Pound, I have heard about how the economy caused the birth defects in children in many villages in the former Eastern Blok states due to poor quality control on fertilizers and pesticides being used to control insects and crops.I have heard about the accident that the beggar at Frankfurt Main sustained to lose both of his legs and half an arm, I heard about the closing of complete neighborhoods in southern Germany towns – basically WW2 ghettos now due to the impact of the weakening economy.I have seen children in rags begging on street corners in one of the most advanced economies in the world.And I have seen a group of people who have posted 487 posts on how bad someone elses life is because they were downgraded from business class.I have never (with the exception of a few, Princess please exclude yourself from this statement) in my life seen such a display of utter contempt against a business (Qantas) based on less than complete and accurate information – a wolf pack mentality of tear the Qantas representative to pieces because someone else is – an utter disgrace toward a company who obviously treats this site very well.This may well be my last post in a while as I am back on the road (air) again, but I need you all to know – most of you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, read what has been posted by the knowledgeable members and walk away from this thread.Alas, I would believe the damage is already done.