Dubbo to Dresden.

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Thursday morning-a short stroll down to Checkpoint Charlie-

Then breakfast at starbucks before walking along past a remnant of the wall that hides the site of the SS and gestapo headquarters.

On to potsdammer platte and the Holocaust memorial-

Here you could pick up a Trabi-

Then on to the Brandenburg gate-

And the reichstag before walking through the Tiergarten and past the memorial to the russians-

Now this post is mainly pictorial.i apologise in advance as most of these images will probably disappear.if anyone works out what is happening i will repost the pics.
next-continuing through the tiergarten.
Now for a little social comment.There are Jewish memorials,holocaust memorials etc throughout Germany.Although you run into many German tour groups I didnt see any at these memorials-strange.
As well as we completed our stroll through the Tiergarten we came out opposite the Holocaust memorial.here was another memorial with basically no tourists-the Homosexual memorial-also a target of naz_'s wrath.Simple understated-

With a history of the persecution-

Hard to read at this size but it reveals the anti-homosexual laws brought in by the naz_s were not repealed in West germany until 1969.
From here we went to the Dali museum which advertises the largest collection of Dalis in any museum.Maybe but no major works and the dali museum in St Petersburg florida is far better.
Then it was back to the Westin,a short nap and round the corner to the Unter Den linden and a small restaurant.Some nice German food-wurst and schnitzels with the obligatory beer-E31
Next our last day in Berlin
Amazing yesterday's photos are still here!
Awoke on Friday to find there had been riots in berlin for Mayday.Didnt hear a thing.Supposedly just around the corner.We set off to the Berlin dom and museums.However got sidetracked first by a craft market.Then went on a river cruise.Turned out the commentary was only in german despite what we were told.Ah well it was a pleasant day-

And the locals were out in force-

Great views-the Reichstag-

The berlin Dom-

And spring is in the air-

And I do my wurst for lunch-

Then to the DDR museum-small but quite interesting.Amazing facts-80% of East Germans visited a nudist camp at least once!Walk up the river and down the friedrichstrasse to the Westin for the obligatory nap.After that back to the Unter den Linden to the second restaurant when turning left from the Westin.Mrsdrron had her Spargel and schnitzel,I started with the Spargel salad and then liver berlin style.Beer and wine for a bill of E68.Felt it good value.Only downer was woman at the next table had bought her dog along which barked continually.
Next-off to Dresden via Potsdam.
Saturday and once again we wake to the news that there have been riots in berlin and once again we are oblivious of any problem.Set out through the Tiergarten which is the same route 2 we followed north from Liepzig.using this road you go past the 1936 olympic stadium.I have had the pleasure of looking after one of life's gentlemen who was part of the spanish soccer team at those Olympics.Also goes close to the Commonwealth war cemetry and the Luftwaffe museum.
We stop at Potsdam-first to look at the building that was the venue for the Potsdam conference-now a hotel.Close by is an old Russian section of the city-really pretty wooden buildings-

We then go to the New palace and did a tour through with the audio guide.This is where Kaiser Wilhelm II signed the mobilisation orders to set the Great War on its tumultuous path.Boy talk about Government excess-not a bad little house-

This is in Parc Sans Souci-a reccomended visit.Although you could spend a day or two here we had an appointment with Dresden.So off down the autobahn-at last got to pass a few vehicles-a procession of Trabis!
After a bit of indecision we found the 4 Points in the suburbs of dresden.We found it good value-review here
Next Dresden.
Very good and detailed report drron

Lots of great suggestions! And definitely a few pointers for my future travels. Keep on posting, and I'll be reading ;)
After settling in to the 4 Points we drove down to Dresden old town.Really interesting.The Hilton Dresden is here so a great position.It however was about E150 more than the 4 Points.We have dinner at this obviously german restaurant-

But at least it was an excuse for another beer-

Once again Spargel and schnitzel and Spargel and rump steak.with a beer and wine-E32
One problem.On the menu they had a definite Sunny Coast flavour with Woombye Emu but said it was from Perth!
Great transportation options in the old town-

The next morning we were off to Meissen of porcelain fame.A loverly drive up the Oder and great scenery once there-

Next Meissen continued.
Very nice trip report drron.

Looking forward to reading the rest of it.
Thoroughly enjoying this section drron! All this talk of schnitzel and wurst (though not the beer), and pictures of local architecture brings back happy memories of several years of living in Germany as a child.
Oh, happy days of Spargelsuppe, Zigneunerschnitzel and Bratwurst as long and thick as your arm. Visits to the Konditorei for Apfeltorte or maybe a Berliner or two....

<<2MP disappears off down memory lane>>
OK back to the TR after a lovely interlude.now have some time on my hand.I have also worked out how I can copy pics direct from Picassa so i hope they may now stick.Lerts see.
Back to Meissen.I will start off with some pictures to try them out.It is a beautiful time especially when you loose your way and find yourselves in the narrow streets high above the town!However i particularly liked this welcoming sign-

Interesting vineyards in the centre of town-

But of course you go to Meissen for the porcelain.What better way to look at it than under a nice piece of cake with coffee-


Of course you must finish your cake to fully appreciate the art!
And naturally you should not just eat cake so it was essential to check out the local market-

before selecting my wurst-

Thoroughly enjoyed our time here and just a short scenic drive from Dresden.
Next a visit to a little hunting lodge.
Well the new method of posting pics worked a treat!From now I will post the pics with a link underneath so they will still be accessible when they disappear.Back to the TR.
After leaving Meissen it was only a short trip to Moritzburg where there is a little hunting lodge built by the Princes of Saxony in the 16 and 17 hundreds.just a little over the top.The main dining room is full of stags heads and one bedrooms walls covered by over 25000 feathers.Built on a lake-

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This was on a Sunday and was obviously a very popular spot for a Sunday drive from Dresden.From here a quick commute down A17 to Pirna,south of Dresden.We drove through to the end of the road on the Elbe river-pleasant farms and a beautiful village.

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One of the things that stood out was the number of tunnels on the autobahns and major roads.can be kilometres long and no tolls in sight.Another standout was the number of houses and commercial buildings with solar panels.They are predicting as much power from solar energy as from coal sometime between 2013-2020.Boy are we really lagging in this area.
back to Dresden-a couple of views-

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Looks magnificent but all restored since the end of the war.Little areas left that are unrestored-

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Next the last night in Dresden.
We enjoyed our stay at the Four points.Being in the suburbs everything was treated.Within 100 metres were 3 fruit and veggie places,3 bakeries,a deli and a supermarket.So were able to source our brekkies cheaply.Also there were a few restaurants.We chose Homage-despite its name it was German cuisine.next door was a good looking Italian restaurant.The meal was good and very reasonably priced.We ate outdoors in the Biergarten-was light to ~ 2000.Here is our meal,mrsdrron stared with fried Spargel-

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I had a tomato and mozzarella salad-

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My main did not look appetising but tasted a lot better-steak with red cabbage and dumpling-

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Mrsdrron stuck to the Schnitzel and Spargel-

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all this with a bottle of pinot grigio and the compulsory beer was 45E.Added to the enjoyment was the spectacle when the tow truck arrived-parking was only allowed until 2000.never seen a place empty as quickly.
Monday morning picked up some pastries and fruit including raspberries for brekkie and lunch which set us back all of 5E.We decided to go the back roads so set off for Freiberg an old walled city.Then down the Silber Strasse-through an old silver mining district.The scenery was fantastic.This brought us back to the Autobahn at Zwickau-site of the Trabi factory.A quick trip then down the autobahn to Nurnberg and our stay at the Le Meridien grande-review here-
Although the view is a little limited with the main train station,bus and tram interchange in front it is right at the walls of the old City so good for tourists.The service here was also excellent.The tower across the road from the LM-

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That evening we walked through the old town stopping at the central markets-

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Next-more of Nurnberg.

One of the sights of Nurnberg is the castle-


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It dominates the town.


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There are many interesting buildings as you can see.however I was interested in the courtroom of the Nurnberg trials.Unfortunately it is being refurbished and will not be open again until 2010.Poor research drron!
Dinner we had at a German chain restaurant-Paulaner and it was quite reasonable.here there basically aren't pubs so if you want a drink after work you come to a restaurant-no need to buy food.Also means more restaurants for fussy tourists like the drrons.So a system I heartily approve of.mrsdrron had a pork steak plus potatoes.I had a Spargel soup followed by a plate of Nurnberg bratwurst plus sauerkraut.2 litre beer plus 2 glasses wine and it came to 45E.So here is drron contemplating his wurst-


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OK so the wurst looks better by itself-

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The next day we set off for Stuttgart but as some of you know mrsdrron has her blackbelt in shopping so a detour to Wertheim for german factory outlets.Alas she was out of luck.even at 50% of European goods are expensive.Just some Rosenthal ear rings.We then set off down the-

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A couple of picturesque villages but generally this northern part of the Romantic road was disappointing.Will have to drive the southern portion another time.

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Next Stuttgart.

In Stuttgart we stayed at Le Meridien-review here-
As I said we were a little disappointed in our experience here.But we wetre here for more than a hotel stay.our first day was off to the Mercedes museum.What a pity the pics are still doing their thing.it amazes me how random pics reappear though.Now mrsdrron didnt think she was going to enjoy this saying it was going to be a boy thing and i had been informed that it would only be an hour or so here.Arriving at 0930 we ended up staying for lunch at their restaurant.A fascinating trip through history with a fantastic collection of cars.Some I will post now with their links,first of all concept cars-


I will start with our lunch at the Mercedes museum.With 2 glasses of wine and the by now obligatory beer with me starting with Spargel soup then beef with Spatzel and veggies and mrsdrron having pork fillets with her Spargel the bill came to E47.Good service and good value.


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That afternoon we went to the Botanical Gardens-dont bother,before walking around the City Centre.some interesting buildings but not as impressive as many we had seen already​

on the Thursday we set off down A81 for a drive through the Black Forest.We drove nearly a 100km to route 31W to Tittisee.A very pleasant place with a large lake and delightful scenery.We did stop for some low calorie refreshments-

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There certainly are some quaint villages and delightful scenery-

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Picasa Web Albums - ron
That night we walked back to the city centre and had dinner at the Restaurant Mark Thule.Again wine and beer and this time i had the Spargel and Schnitzel and mrsdrron had the pork fillet,mushrooms and spatzel.All up E38.60.
Next-the final day in Germany.
So our last full day in Germany.We drove from Stuttgart to Offenbach(Frankfurt).We stopped off in Karlsruhe which was another interesting place with a very good market.Had some coffee and the special low calorie cake and then set off up Route 3 north passing through many small villages.obviously a fertile valley with vineyards,orchards,veggies including spargel and olives.A really pretty drive.Detoured again to go through Heidleberg and will have to make time and stop here another time.
Arrived in good time for our last night at Sheraton Offenbach-review here
We walked around what really is a suburb of Frankfurt.Unfortunately we could find any number of Asian,fast food,italian,turkish and even spanish restaurants but there were only 2 German restaurants close by.At the bavarian one there was a lady sitting outside with menus who just couldnt be bothered talking to us.The other would have had us sitting under a flashing neon sign for the sex shop next door so back to the hotel we went for dinner and it wasnt too bad.The hotel is not that convenient to the main areas of Frankfurt but the public transport is good and you pay a little less than half the price as staying in the city centre.We were happy with the stay.
Early start as the car was due back at FRA at 9am.Things were very efficient so we were in the departure hall by 0840.Checkin didnt open until 1015 for our 1355 CX flight so went for the gourmet option for breakfast-Maccas!:shock:.Once again at checkin problems with the reissued ticket and mrsdrrons QF number not being in the system even though we can see it on both the AA and QF sites now.
Then our answer to the HLO debate.Our large case weighs in at 31.7kg.Our other 2 cases come in under 20kg.No problems though for CX.Then through Immigration-cant find our entry stamps-well they didnt stamp our passports on arrival.After 2 or 3 minutes there is a shrug of the shoulders and through we go.Next to collect our tax refunds-only 2 items.Naturally there are 2 refund companies and we have 1 item from each.So off to the CX lounge.
Doors to the Flounge were open so we could gaze in-really no different in setup but much less crowded than J lounge.Free internet access at last.The hours go quickly until time to board.
CX288 is next.
This is our first time in the new CX J.We have seats 81A,K upstairs on the 747.Our first problem was going through security.We are confronted by a large stereotypical German Frau.Mrsdrron gets asked very bluntly if she has a computer and to get it out.It takes her a while to convince the frau that she doesnt have a computer.Naturally by the time I have reached this paragon of german efficiency my computer is well and truly out of its bag and my wallet coins watch and belt are in a bin with my jacket.This doesnt deter the loud frau who literally yells at me have you got anything in your pockets keys,coins?No i say.then just to make sure everyone has heard she yells "You are lying" pointing to my right jeans pocket.I remove the tissue there,throw it on my jacket and move through watched by everyone.Now I am sure the world is a safer place because i removed 1 tissue from my pocket!
So to our seats.81A is the first row,81K second row with 80K being a crew rest seat.I have commented on this before but I really dont like this set up.The seat itself is narrow and partitioned off so really claustrophobic.Also a long way from mrsdrron.The bin above 81K is also quite small and would only take a small woman's handbag-probably wouldn't fit QF009's hair product;).I would avoid this seat.Seats 87a,88K are at the exit row but because of the partitions and angle of the seating there is no extra legroom.Also on going to the loo you really have to dodge a lot of protruding feet.
So i just resign myself and settle in.Very soon am offered the Billecart champagne which I graciously accept.FA notices the level dropping fairly quickly so refilled without asking.This is a good CX crew.
CX 288 FRA-HKG. ETD 1355.Pullback 1355.Take off 1433.
ETA 0655. Actual 0640.
Wine list is not too bad with a french white and a marlborough sav blanc.A french red and a peter Lehman shiraz.Try them all naturally!Lunch starts off with a hot smoked salmon(which i love whereever i have it) along with smoked prawns.followed by a pan fried pork fillet with green pepper sauce and finishing with a cheese plate with a Dows late bottled vintage port 2003.
After lunch i note a good selection of movies but i need my post prandial nanny nap.Then decide to catch up on some current affairs with the economist.When i get to the time to watch a movie the system is down.I just check the onscreen CX info and note Climbing Chardonnay is on the CX wine list.Those that follow my TRs may remember my bias here.One of the winemakers is my godson.Then download my photos as nothing else to do.
Finally brekkie arrives.Strawberry smoothie is just OK.Some fruit and then my last Nurnburger sausage.Soon we are approaching HKG and mrsdrron takes some pics of the smog.

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Last of the J pax off but soon through transit security-no large frau here!
No swine flu surveillance here-mrsdrron probably has had it with a typical flu like illness occurring 5 days after leaving San antonio.I am fine.
Next the Pier and CX 713.
Off to the J lounge at the Pier.Thanks to mrsdrron next year we will be able to Flounge again.Mrsdrron has a shower and i again catch up with my emails and AFF.Check mrsdrron's QFF account and all flights now posting to that.On track for her to be WP by years end.But only a short time in the lounge before boarding CX713.In the past this has been a 3 class 747 and we have usually scored op ups to F.Now though a 2 class regional 777.
CX 713 HKG-BKK.ETD 0855.pullback 0855.Take off 0923.
Seats 14 A,B.Second row of J.
only 16 pax in J.45 seats,5 FAs.Service naturally is good.Brekky served just after take off.As it is my third for the day i just have OJ and a little fruit,push the seat back and go to sleep.Woken by the captain announcing descent into BKK.As is usual for this flight the gate is about as far away as you can get from immigration but when we get there absolutely no lines.As we get to the baggage carousel our 3 bags are just coming out-in the first 8!Well done CX.As it is Mother's day I am shouting mrsdrron a ride in the Sheraton's merc.As I pick up the first bag from the carousel the Sheraton attendant has appeared and the other 2 are removed by him.Straight through customs(how did he get in here-who cares) and straight into the Merc.Check in formalities are started on the trip in.As we turn onto Sukhumvit road the driver rings the hotel and we are greeted by an asst manager and porter and taken straight up to our upgraded suite to complete checkin.The butler is called to bring us a pot of tea and the 3 pieces each of laundry are taken.Fantastic.Review of the Sheraton grande Sukhumvit here-
We are in room 1812-christened by mrsdrron the overture suite.We have a shower and then another couple of hours kip.Start to go out-had intended to have an early dinner in one of the nearby restaurants but as we got to the front door the heavens opened with a fierce thunderstorm.So we went back inside,waited a while but no respite so went and enjoyed the free drinks in the Living Room.As it was still raining 2 hours later we crossed the floor to their Thai restaurant,Basil,for dinner.Absolutely fantastic.
The next morning as a Plat you get free breakfast at the Orchid Cafe-an absolutely beautiful buffet with such touches as the mangoes peeled for you as you select them.After that it was across the road for a little retail therapy in Robinsons.Then to the skytrain and the Paragon centre.Fantastic mango and sticky rice in the basement and then to the supermarket for a couple of kilos of mangosteens-our favourite fruit.For the uninitiated-

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Got back to the hotel at 1740-just time for a quick shower and down to the Living room for drinkies.Did not have to give our room number,just asked if we would like the same as last night.Top marks to the staff.After the previous night it was back to Basil.
Tuesday and a great breakfast again.Repack our bags leaving 2 behind as we take only 1 case and 1 carryon for our 5 days in KhaoLak.And our case weighed just 11.6kg.We are chuffed.
Next Air Asia!
Looks like the pics might be sticking-probably shouldnt have said this though!
Well today is a first.A trip on an asian LCC.We are flying Air Asia FD3029 BKK-HKT.Got the Merc back to the airport and wheeled our incredibly light 1 bag to the Air asia checkin.Now as usual we are here a little over 2 hours before the flight but find that we are allocated 24F and 25F.No way can they put us together.Now when i booked in everytime i tried to get the bag included the site would complain so i have to check it at the airport-only an extra B50 so no great drama but I do wonder if it is another way to get a few extra bahts out of you.
To pay for the bag i have to go to another counter and hand over my BP with B100.I dont bother looking at my BP until about 10 minutes before boarding-We are now both in 24F.Now we did want to be together but this is ridiculous.Go up to desk to point out our problem and the GA just crosses out 24 on my BP and writes in 25-no checking so i wonder what will happen.We make sure we are amongst the first on.Mrsdrron soon has a couple from the subcontinent sitting next to her.She says he played with his partners breasts for the whole flight.
Meanwhile I am squashed into my narrow seat fiercely holding onto the armrest-not going to give up that extra space without a fight.A 200cm pommie skinhead sits in 25E.Now what do I do.Fortunately he decides to spend the whole flight groping his 145cm Thai partner-and not just her breasts!
Takeoff is only about 10 minutes late.As soon as the wheels leave the ground the couple from the subcontinent recline their seats.My English seat companion slams his knees quite violently into the back of 24E.She looks around and obviously is about to say something but notes the tattoos,shaved head and the muscles protruding from his black singlet.Discretion is the better part of valour and she immediately puts her seat back upright.
The FAs have time to wheel the trolley up and down selling food then the second trolley selling sunblock and Air Asia paraphrenalia.Midflight an announcement is made that Air Asia has been voted the best budget airline in the recent Skytrax survey and how they plan to become the worlds best airline period.No way Jose.If this is the world's best budget airline then I dont want to fly another.I used to joke that budget airlines were for the great unwashed-my nose tells me I am not that far off the mark.
Technically no problems with the flight.The A320 has 31 rows of y seating.Rows 1-5 have extra leg room and rows 12,14 are exit rows.By the time we were on the taxiway you could hear the seatbelts clicking.Before the plane stopped people were standing emptying the overhead bins.By the time the seat belt light goes out there are only 6 people sitting.
Then a miracle.Our bag is second off!Beats QF.Straight out to the waiting hotel limo-a Toyota-B1800 vs B1300-1500 for a taxi so not worth the hassle.
The wonderful legroom on Air asia-

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Next Khao Lak
We had stayed in Khao Lak in 2000.Well before the tsunami.As we discovered the Le meridien really isnt in khao Lak.it is a good 15 min drive to the north.So much has changed in the Khao Lak village with so much more developement.We recognised the dining room where we stayed-it was up a hill,but the individual cabanas had all gone.
On arrival to the LM we were seated whilst my DC was taken to the desk for checkin.As I discovered later this lapse could have been costly.A review has been posted-
We were upgraded to a suite on the second floor with a view through the trees to the ocean.Certainly the room was very good with nice little touches with a fruit platter and chocolates.Also a typical thai touch-

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After unpacking we went for a walk around the property.When we got back to the room there were 2 young coconuts waiting for us.Very refreshing-

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It was well after 6pm now and the clouds looked threatening so we didnt want to walk to one of the local restaurants.The only choices for dinner were the Bangsak grill(Italian) or a seafood buffet.We go for the buffet which is not cheap for Thailand at B1150 each ++.It advertises rock lobster which turn out to be bugs.I down 11 to get my money's worth.Wine is very expensive with Lindemans bin 65 chardy B340($A13) for a small,not standard,glass.So it is AFDs until we get to the supermarket.There we find South african or Chilean sav blanc for $A22 a bottle.
So a few pics of the LM-

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It really was a delightful place for just relaxing which is what we wanted after travelling for a month.
Next-more of Khao Lak including more pics of food.
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Fall quickly into a routine at LM.Sleep in,leisurely breakfast,then off to the pool.Back to the room for a shower early afternoon then a walk along the beach.We eat at the LM for 2 nights,locally 1 night,and 2 nights get the shuttle into town-the shuttle has its first trip into town at 1730 and last trip back is 2100.
The pool is divided into several sections.We had no problems getting a section to ourselves.This meant mrsdrron spent a lot of time actually in the water which is unusual-she was very relaxed.A few picture of the grounds-the entrance-

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/SmwM2K2pPvI/AAAAAAAAPKs/ejrWFwA-ZEg/s800/anns trip photos 264.JPG

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/SmwM2JEFD1I/AAAAAAAAPKw/zXGAUTmsO74/s800/anns trip photos 266.JPG
And the pool-

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/SmwN8a7spHI/AAAAAAAAPLA/2BbPrCDyRxo/s800/germany 194.JPG

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/Sksl6CdGavI/AAAAAAAAOR4/FXemQtSOKzs/s800/thailand from ann 004.JPG

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/Sksl6KlBtxI/AAAAAAAAOR8/PivwZaCvt3s/s800/thailand from ann 010.JPG
The other night we ate in was at the the Baan Thai.Food was very good but of course pricy for Thailand.Even with 20% of food our meal of 2 entrees,3 main courses,2 mango and sticky rice,a pina colada and a beer was B2000.I enjoyed the beer as you can see-

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rQVWoyzfpk0/Skse0pE_exI/AAAAAAAAONg/buK1rsrHyY8/s800/anns trip photos 292.JPG
Next more food and lazing.
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